Friday, January 27, 2012

Would anyone like to buy magazines? From Sports Illustrated, Time, Seventeen, and Vogue to People?

There is also Family Circle, Newsweek, Kids, Better Homes, Life Style, Hype Hair, Good House Keeping, Modern Bride, Oprah, Martha Stewart, Weight Wathers, ESPN, Golf, Nick Jr., Tenn Vogue, BMX, National Geographic, Readers Digest and many more for children, men, and women! Please come by and help me raise money to be able to take a summer study trip to Oxford University in England! Thank you! anyone like to buy magazines? From Sports Illustrated, Time, Seventeen, and Vogue to People?

Am I the last parent left that won't put their kid on drugs?

Ok, I've been dealing with my 7 year old's issues for quite some time, he's been diagnosed with ADHD. He was always different, from the time he was born. I couldn't put him down without screaming (he screamed for 16-20 hours a day, no lie), when he started getting mobile, he calmed down on the screaming, but then developed Pica (which was a 24-7 job watching out for him alone, making sure he didn't eat anything that would kill him), and I'm a single mother, have been for years. When he was 3, they did put him on Adderall XR, which did stop the fits where he hurt himself (such as if I stood him in a corner, he would find a nail in the wall and rake his face across it, slam his head into concrete at birthday parties, etc). Oh yeah, I've dealt with some serious tantrums.

When summer hit, I took him off the pills, and he's never been back on them since. (Again, he's 7 yrs old now). I believe that he can learn just like his other two brothers, granted it's a bit more difficult, but I believe in my heart that it can be done. I know we (my sisters, brother and I) all had ADHD ourselves, lol. I seriously think it's genetic in our case, and our mother refused to put us on the drugs, and we're just fine. Yes, it calms the kids down, but since when was it ok to medicate your kids to make being a parent easier? It feels like cheating to me. I've dealt with violent fits, nonsensical behavior, and I just go the old fashioned route - I deal with it, and if he does something extremely out of line (to the point where it is just unacceptable, such as stabbing his brother in the throat with a fork, or exposing himself to the neighborhood children), then guess what? I'll whoop his little ***.

Don't sit there and tell me I abuse my child. If any parent reads this, you know there comes a time when you have to whoop a booty. I don't do it for every single time he acts up - that's abuse. It's only for serious matters.

But, I'm just curious - are there any other parents out there that have an extremely difficult child, and also refuse the meds? See, to me, I could get the same results w/giving him a shot of whiskey, and there'd be less side affects than them damn pills, lol. (Oh calm down for whoever can't take a joke - no, I don't feed him whiskey). If so, I'd like to hear how you deal with the fits, behavior, etc. Are you old fashioned also? I can honestly tell you, that through all these years of perseverance, trial and error, and never giving up, do you know this boy is starting to finally GET IT?? LOL And without the help of drugs. His manners and behavior have improved DRAMATICALLY, just by staying on top of him, never backing down, being consistent in punishments AND rewards. Parenting isn't easy, even God couldn't get Adam and Eve to listen to him, LMAO. (Don't pick the apple.....)

I just get SO sick of the schools telling me to put him on drugs, so it makes THEIR job easier. Honestly, since he's been out of school this summer, he's changed so much, I'm wondering if that'll even be an issue next year? Of course, they also wanted me to put my oldest on drugs, but they're problem was that instead of reading "See Spot Run", he tucked himself in a corner and was reading "National Geographic" and "Time" magazines, lol. (Yes, in 1st grade - the boy is gifted - he's 10 now, and can do algebra - I pulled him out of that school and home schooled him until I found a school that believed in him and his abilities).

So, let's hear it: who else gives the FDA the bird, and refuses to medicate their busy child? :) I'm not gonna knock anyone who does it, I'm just curious to know who doesn't? Sometimes I feel like the only one.|||I medicate. My oldest is on the Autism "spectrum" and my daughter has ADHD. But I'm not one of those parents who would criticize someone who didn't medicate. Because I've been there. It's only been a couple of years since I agreed to do it. My mom was the opposite of yours, when I was diagnosed Bipolar she had me over medicated, and I vowed to never "drug" my kids. But I changed my mind after a lot of consideration. It's a personal choice, like anything else parents do or don't do. If you think your son is better off without the meds, more power to you. You made your decision because you care about your kid, we may all have different opinions, but at least we all do what we do for the same reason.|||to be honest you may feel that way about not giving him drugs but he is the one that gets distressed by being adhd people have there kids on the drugs not just for them but to help the child feel more relaxed and better rather then all over the place and not knowing what to do it can't be easy when a child has adhd i would defo have my child on drugs just to make him or her feel better|||Don't let the Government or anyone else drug your kid. No one has a clue as to the long term affects of these drugs. Hell, they might all start jumping off buildings when they turn 30 or develop extremely aggressive cancers at 35.

Plus, there is this:鈥?/a>|||Your child does deserve to be treated for his condition. Although I think it's diagnosed too much, it is a true condition, WHEN the child actually has it. Your child sounds like he truly does.

If your child was diabetic, wouldnt you give him insulin? Its NOT about making your job easier. Your child deserves to learn and focus in school, and to stay safe. HE deserves to be on a productive path. Now that being said, there ARE other alternatives besides Rx drugs. Have your tried them? All natural diets? No dyes or additives? Omega 3's. Etc. There is research (alot) that backs this stuff up. Speak to a trained nutritionist of doctor in this area.|||Tell the school where they can put their drugs! Terrible....if he's gifted you might want to homeschool him later on...,,works very well for gifted kids.|||I have never been in the position as you are with a child that everyone wanted one meds. However I see the schools point. It's not that you are "making their job easier" it's that they don't have the resources to have a teacher sit with your child all day everyday and make sure he behaves. The teacher is only one person with a classroom of 15-25 children they can't possibly sit there and make sure your son is doing what he is supposed to at least not without taking attention away from the other children and that is not fair to them. How would you feel if you sent your child to school one day and he hurt another child?

At home you can correct him, at school they will kick him out and you may have a lawsuit on your hands for not medicating him when you know he has a problem. I know as a parent that if some child stabbed my child with a fork in the throat I would sue if that parent knew that child had a problem and didn't do anything about it. Also you have to think about later on. Now your son is being put up with and complained about in school. If he gets older and this continues then he may very well be put in the behavior disorder classroom. They keep the kids in there all day and the security guard stands outside (at least at my old school) is that the type of learning experience you want your child to have? Teachers talk. I can guarantee you that your child's teacher has already told his next teachers about his "issues" he will be labeled for life as the child who's out of control and the parent won't do anything. That means every time your son acts up they won't put up with him and send him to the office.

I understand your feelings but you need to think about your child's future and what would make the best learn and living environment for him and everyone around him. If you think that not giving him meds is the best that is fine and maybe you are right but whatever you choose you will have to live with the consequences good or bad.|||Quote

Yes, it calms the kids down, but since when was it ok to medicate your kids to make being a parent easier?

What you miss is that if your child REALLY has adhd, you *arent* medicating them to make being a parent easier. Rather, you are medicating them because they have a disorder. There is a HUGE difference. I know mental health is still quite a stigmatized thing, but medicine for mental health is just as importnant as medicine for physical health. Would you say the same thing about giving your child an antibiotic for an infection?

Maybe they arent telling you to put him on meds to make their job easier, maybe he actually needs meds.

That being said.... A lot of the adhd meds come with a lot of side effects. I would go more towards behavioral therapy rather than actual drugs. A can of soda or a cup of coffee can probably help too, without the narcotic side effects. Make sure he gets lots of outside play time, and work with him on meditation or relaxation exercises.|||My son is only two but I can tell you that other people are NOT going to be able to "deal" with him. He is very high energy and constantly moving. I have already decided to home school him. His father and I both had huge difficulties in school (with grades, not the actual learning......we just got bored waiting for every one else to catch up). There is a charter school that I might think about putting him in here, but regular school would just be a pointless and frustrating endeavor.

Anyway, no one is going to tell me to drug my child so they can deal with him better! My son doesn't need drugs, he needs interaction and challenges. Who better to give that to him than his father and I?

Edit--to a lot of the other parents who ask if your child had diabetes would you give them insulin or if your child needed antibiotics wouldn't you give it to them.

In my case, I research everything before I put it in my child's body. There are usually more natural and healthy alternitaves to the crap they want us to use!|||your stopping your son from taking medication

that is not good so dont try thinking your better than people who give there children what they need just because they are 'drugs'

you seem to have this attitude that drugs are the enemy and there not. they are what your son needs to better function and its him who will suffer

they dont ask you to give him his medician because itl make there jobs easyer, they do it because without them his education will suffer and he will hinder the education of others (i had an unmedicated ADHD child in one of my classes and he took the teachers attention the entire time, we never learnt anything because of it)

he wont 'grow out of it' like one answer suggested.

the person in my class who had it was 16 and still behaved terribly|||I DO medicate both my boys my oldest is ADD and my youngest Son is ADHD and giving your child meds does NOT make parenting easier it makes life easier for children in general who suffer from these problems my oldest Son now excells in school and its great to not see him struggle anymore and my youngest Son is not as hyper in school and his school work is way better. Why would take your child off of meds? why are you gonna let him suffer so you feel better about being a parent just plan dumb.|||There's a couple things I thought of when I read your note

1) Schools are NOT allowed to tell you to medicate your child as they are not health professionals. It is technically illegal for them to do that.

2) My son took meds while he was in school. In no way did it make my life easier because he didn't take them when he was at home.

3) When he started taking them and could suddenly concentrate in class and learn something he said (and I quote) "You mean I'm not stupid"??

It was the first time that he realized that he could do something other then get in trouble and never focus on his work.

4) Why would you keep your son from being able to learn? Kids with real ADHD cannot focus in school because they need to move all the time. You aren't medicating your child for the school system or for yourself, you are giving them meds FOR THEM. Why deny your child a chance to learn properly?

You don't have to use the FDA approved meds. There are natural products that work just as well not to mention dietary changes that can help. Getting a spanking doesn't help kids be able to sit in a classroom and learn.

5) Now that we homeschool we no longer need the meds. He can learn how he wants, where he wants and most of the time that's sitting on the trampoline in the backyard where he can still move and bounce but do his work at the same time. That's something you can't do in a classroom.|||You aren't alone at all, my mom refused to medicate me when I was little and even into my teenage years. She never bought into the whole ADD thing. I really do believe I am ADD and doctors have told her this quite a few times. I wish that she had medicated me. I would have been a much better student had I have been.

I am 19 now so the damage is done.

I still have a hard time functioning with somethings.

But its all up to you. If what you are doing is working then more power to you. I am glad you have found a solution that works.

And like your oldest son...I too was far ahead of the rest of the others. Reading by age 3-4, reading at college levels in 3rd grade and testing at 8th grade science levels in 3rd grade.

Good Luck.|||Good on you for not drugging your child. Like you said he will grow out of this and I think it's great that you can cope with it! Go you!|||Wow! Good for you! I don't have a over-active child (yet), but if the time ever comes, I very highly doubt my husband and I would ever turn to drugs to "fix" it. ADHD or ADD children are often very bright and/or geniuses in their fields- they just need a little more guidance and discipline than "normal" children.

Good job- I commend you for what you are doing for your children! Teaching them to deal with their "disorder" rather than just give them a bandaid (drugs) will make them so grateful to you in the long run.|||I am sorry for what you have gone through and yes I do agree with you. I have a friend who's son behaves like a normal 7 year old looking for attention. Nothing to the degree of what you are speaking. In all honesty she is a bad parent who just screams at her kids all day long. She now uses adhd to "claim" its not her fault. It really irritates me because of the people like you who choose to try to be a great parent and deal with a busy child instead of over medicating them.

My children do not have ADHD but I sure as hell wouldn't put them on drugs either.|||A lot of people are going to hate me, but I agree with you. People say that ADHD kids are "bored" and learning is "hard" for them - but honestly? Most kids are bored, and learning is hard for a lot of people. ADHD is no excuse for running around like the kid has no discipline.

I'm not really good at wording how I feel about this, so I'll just go with "I agree with you". =P

Why does my son like visiting weird countries?

When he was a kid, I used to buy him a subscription to National Geographic. He was always looking at maps and globes. On parent's day at his high school, they had a competition: who can find Bhutan on a map? He won. He did poorly in mathematics in high school, having to take trigonometry over in the summer, but he could name every country on Earth and its capital.

Now he's 37 and married with no kids (by choice I reckon as his wife is a year older than him), he works as a college instructor teaching English to immigrants. He has now visited over 40 countries and shows no signs of slowing down.

When my neighbors ask how he's doing, I have to explain that instead of working a job that offers advancement and prestige, he's spending his summers visiting places like Iran, Pakistan, India, Colombia, Cuba, Bolivia, Tunisia and the Philippines.

He doesn't live off me and funds this stuff himself, which is good, but why can't I have a normal kid?Why does my son like visiting weird countries?
he hasnt visited me in Somalia and met my Pirates..yet.. ?
Be thankful that he has a wife, he's not gay, and that he's healthy and works. I'm 42 years old and have been praying for and looking for a wife for twenty years to no avail. I've also been out of work by no choice of my own many years during that time.Why does my son like visiting weird countries?
I guess he likes to be more geographically diverisified.
he's multi-cultural.

I have a friend who visits Europe and Asia every year.

I neve really understood this urge for adventure either.
Home is a place of comfort.Why does my son like visiting weird countries?
the traveling bug is like an addiction. after a while you can't settle. traveling salesmen and truck drivers know all about it. and explorers, etc. your son's a ramblin man.
Are you being a troll by any chance? Cancun and Disneyland are boring. Corporate jobs are boring and don't add anything to society. He is a teacher who is helping less well off children. Sounds like a decent guy to me.
and you're complaining?! Were I you I'd be shouting to the world that my son is a world traveler who goes to other countries and helps people! he's like a "Green Beret" without the weapon!
Nothing is wrong with you son!

Maybe your the problem old one!
What is so weird about those countries.
You sound like trailer trash and like a very obnoxious woman. He's 37, why don't you go get a life? There are worse things than a man with the freedom to work in a job of his choosing traveling the world. Do you have a job? Or should women be stay at home mothers, too? Hahahaha

These idiot classmates of his probably go to Cancun to recapture the youth they lost when they got knocked up at 17 and had to marry young. Sweetie, you don't even sound like you work so whatever job these Mexicans are taking, it is one you clearly aren't doing.

Well this was fun. PS- I really hope this question was purely sarcastic... lol too funny
  • get ride of
  • Is the racial term "Black" offensive to people of African decent?

    As a black person, not to me, I think that african american is more offensive. I have never been to africa, i probably will never go there and I don't know anyone from africa. Look at the way africa is shown by the media, etc.

    Look at Feed the Children, it portrays all blacks as poor and dying of diseases. Look at "Going tribal" and "National Geographic" it portrays blacks as uncivilized. I mean, there are women walking around with their breast hanging out. Kids being scarred with tattoos for the rest of their lives with sharp rocks, etc. I have never seen ANY good things about Africans in the media, never.Is the racial term "Black" offensive to people of African decent?
    I am very offended by the term AA for several reasons.

    I was black for almost 20 years before the PC term became

    AA. Ummm OK is every person of color of African decent? No. they are not.

    Am I ashamed to have ancestors from Africa? No I am not but I don't know that I have any either.

    I have never been to Africa and have no desire to go there.

    Throughout history people from all over the world have been enslaved by others. But, those that were taken were not forsaken and forgotten. Those kings and queens that we'' are so proud of claiming as out ancestors sold their people and never looked back. As for those that were taken no one ever went to look for them. What other race of people do have you ever heard of that has stood by for years without reclaiming what was there.

    I personally am an American that is black.

    Another thing that baffles me is that most of America has absolutely no idea how Africans disdain black people and honestly believe we have given them a bad name. Plain and simple, they cannot stand us and are confrontation whenever they can be unless you happen to be having your hair braided. then they "tut -tut" over you all day like you don't know they are talking about you.

    In general I find the term condescending which I find to be ironic because I really believe that the term was coined with the best of intentions. But you know what is said about that.

    Great question by the way. However, I am perplexed by your reasoning though. National Geographic is portraying tribes in a very primitive sense with intent. They are not civilized by our standards, nor do they want to be. I find there to be nothing offensive about that. I see them as a very proud group of people rooted in the ways that came long before them. The scarring and tattooing are symbols of beauty and strength to them.

    Say it loud.... I'm Black and I'm Proud!
    I don't like it when people say "black" or "white" to describe someone.

    Most people would say I'm white, but I don't like being called that. I don't even know where all of my ancestors came from, I'm American, a mix.Is the racial term "Black" offensive to people of African decent?
    Going tribal does not "portray" anything it offers a look a look at how some people still live as an educational observance, portrayal implies acting they are not acting. The staving children aren't acting either, and niether are the blacks I see on the news every night right here in the USA, there is a reason you don't see them "portrayed" positively, they rarely do anything positive.Is the racial term "Black" offensive to people of African decent?
    dude!.... you're tripping! :) seriously.... you are.

    If you are waiting for the media to show you anything positive on Africa or black people. you are going to be waiting a long time!

    First of all, Africans.... despise you African-Americans (yes I used that term) As you descendants of slaves do not even deserve to carry the title "African"

    Have you noticed that more African in the states are more cultured, hardworking and well mannered compared to you African Americans???? huh?

    I was in the states last summer and its no wonder most white Americans just loath you guys!

    The gross miseducation that slavery and the stigma of slavery has been inflicted on you guys is appalling but......... whats worse is,,,,, you guy let them(white people) always have the last word! ugh!

    Besides, NOT all of Africa is poor and disease ridden you know. If you really want to learn about what Africa truly is like .... then GET OFF YOUR LAZY A.SS AND DO SOME RESEARCH YOURSELF!!!!!

    I really loath people like you who wait for the media to educate you! geez! how dumb is that?


    No offense to the other African Americans here but this dumb kid (and a host of others) need " to hear it as it is"

    PS: STFU need to take his own advice and STFU! that racist PIG needs to stay out of this one.
    no but all black people are different I prefer to be called black NOT African American becuz i'm not african
    Of course, people who are NOT white are usually portrayed as savage or uncivilized. This serves a purpose. Now, what exactly is wrong with walking around without a shirt if you live in hot weather? weelllll, it does not conform to white anglo saxon sensibilities. The thing is, over time, nobody gives a flying f-v-ck what others think should or should not be.

    Free Internet TV? American Channels (Pacific)?

    I really don't care how many applications or online sites I have to use as long as its LIVE TV. I don't want STC, SideReel, etc... And don't suggest Miro.

    Anyway, it should support these channels and they should all be Pacific (if possible):





    ABC Family

    Comedy Central

    A%26amp;E Network











    Cartoon Network

    Disney Channel

    Toon Disney










    Fox News


    The Weather Channel

    Animal Planet

    Discovery Channel

    History Channel

    National Geographic

    The Learning Channel

    And any other Entertainment, Movie, Kids, Learning, Sports and News Channels along the lines of these channels.

    I would like there to be one application that has all these channels and FREE, but I wouldn't mind using several applications/online sites. So if you know of something that supports some of these, than that's OK, tell me bout it.Free Internet TV? American Channels (Pacific)?
    Best bet is to get satellite software on your pc as you can see all of these and many more: Just google Satellite tv for your pc and you will come up with many options:;clien鈥?/a>

    Some are free with a one time set up fee and others aren't.Just browse through to find out which one has what you are looking for.

    The legendary day of judgement for formula feeders...6/6/06 are you ready for death?

    Basically 3 weeks left until La Leche League destroys us formula feeders and takes our babies away from us to be properly breastfed. If you didn't get the memo, here is your last warning. Have fun with your kids while you can. Remember how worthless we are for feeding formula and let the guilt cleanse your soul so you can die with honor at least. Rest easy in the fact that your baby will be breastfed by a La Leche Leage chick with National Geographic boobs, and you will be judged fairly. I hear they use the Ancient Egyptian system of weighing your heart against a feather on a scale...death has to come first though. I'm taking my kids to the water park today to enjoy them while I can. Remember to die with honor.The legendary day of judgement for formula feeders...6/6/06 are you ready for death?
    I am proud to formula feed my child! Don;t get me wrong, i tried the whoel breastfeeding thing for the first couple of weeks. But, a mother has the right to choose how to feed her baby, and shouldnt be pressured into breastfeeding. It really kind of pisses me off how much WIC and such trys to force a mother into breadtfeeding, and then makes her feeling guilty if she doesnt.

    I formula feed for a good reason. My son has an absorption and metabolic disorder. Our first son, who passed away, also had this problem. Thanks to special formula, our son is able to make it now. Breastmilk cant be chacnged. What you produce is what yo uget, and what your child has to get. But formula's can be made to fit certain needs for medical problems.

    Sometime, formual feeding is the best option! So, for all those mothers that think im bad for formula feeding, answer me this: If i didnt formula feed, my son would be extrememly sick, is that what you want?
    You're glad she can take a joke????????????? She is telling you her first son died and the second is very ill. If you consider that a joke, you are worse than I thought. I figured your BS was a game, now I really wonder about you. How insulting to Kristie, shame on you!

    Report Abuse

    The legendary day of judgement for formula feeders...6/6/06 are you ready for death?
    Oh how silly! LLL wouldn't do that! Sure they might pamphet ya and talk your ear off about the benefits of breastfeeding over formula, but they wouldn't ever take formula feeders babies away! Gimme and Break!!!

    So if breasts aren't for feeding babies..what do you use YOURS for?The legendary day of judgement for formula feeders...6/6/06 are you ready for death?
    that day is going to be funny. all those creepy crack heads that are all satainc are going to go kill themselves and as a whole, the world will actualy be a better place.
    Thank God for that! I was getting tired of my perfect breastfed baby getting sat on by those morbidly obese formula fed monsters! Does that mean no more loaded and annoying pro-formula questions? Yay! No more waiting in the grocery line behind you while they ring up formula, frozen dinners, menthol cigarettes and ding dongs?

    I wonder what I should wear on judgement day? Should I go military or tea length?

    BTW-- I heard that LLL is making allowances for babies fed formula for medical purposes. That's always okay in everyone's book.

    ps...your formula feeding guilt is very transparent. you can always re-lactate.
    what ever, you are stupid if you believe that. get a grip on your self!!!!
    Oh, another "alien" inhere.

    Watch out people.


    Great reply, Chronos !

    I'm sorry, what is the question? You are supposed to be asking something. Is it if I'm ready for death? Please rephrase your question.

    i think you are fu*ked up!!!
    Oh crap! You're on to us. I can't believe one of my LLL sisters has let it slip that we plan to kidnap all your children.

    For Pete's sakes! At LLL and most other breastfeeding groups we meet up to support each other and offer encouragement to women that want help breastfeeding. For women that can't or even women that can and just choose not to we really don't care. We are not after your children.

    Sadly there are plenty of women that need support breastfeeding and they're the ones I focus my attention on. I have no desire to judge or kidnap the children of formula feeders.
    Hah hah Spat. Don't forget that she'll be paying with food stamps! I hear on judgment day, they're giving us "trash goggles" to weed out the ones who breastfeed so that they don't get "national geographic boobs" from the ones who actually have to formula feed for medical reasons. Hey-- I hear La Leche can help people re-lactate too.
    what-is-the-question....??? r u serious???

    What's good for getting into Herpetology?

    Hello there! I know this is a long while away from me, but I would like to know some things.My name is Alannah, I'm 10 years old, and I would like to have a future career in herpetology.

    Most girls my age are girly girls, and hate reptiles. But I'm honestly fascinated by reptiles and amphibians. I usually watch 'Animal Planet' and 'National Geographic Wild', rather than kid channels like 'Disney' or 'Nickelodeon'. I'm a straight A student, and have only had one B in my life. I love science and math, because I believe with good grades and an interest in science, I can get into a good college and become a scientist. At first I was wanting to do entomology, but then I changed my mind. I love animals, especially insects, reptiles, crocodilians, and amphibians, and I want a career where I can study or be around them.

    I was thinking of specializing in the breeding section. Or course I'll have to study in genetics, ecology, zoology, wildlife biology, and then specialize in herpetology in some way, though I won't always get to work with them. I am prepared to spend about 4-10 years in college studying for this. So, after bugging you with my boring stuff, here are my questions!

    1. What is the best college to go to for this? I was thinking of going to UF, since It's close to my hometown

    2. Any other things I need to study in that I forgot?

    3. How much would I make a year?What's good for getting into Herpetology?
    Become a Herpetologist

    Flag this photo

    The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, made news worldwide with his radical actions towards crocodiles and other reptiles, initiating a large number of kids who want to know how they can become a crocodile hunter too. It's not just crocodiles that Irwin cared for, it's a wide range of animals, and as a herpetologist, reptiles and amphibians become the focus. Yucky for some, but for others, it's like finding the frog prince.



    Know for certain that you are comfortable with all types of amphibians and reptiles. This doesn't mean you have to love them all, but certainly you can't adore frogs and be squeamish about snakes. They all fall under the umbrella of herpetology so you'll need to deal with them all at some point.


    Decide what you would like to ultimately do as a herpetologist. With a herpetology background you can move in several different directions. Educate others, possibly in a zoo or media setting like Steve Irwin did, become involved in veterinary work or consider conservation as an area of specialization.


    Research the field continually. It's essential to continue to understand these types of animals and there are many that still need to be thoroughly researched.


    Find a college with a strong background in animal sciences, biology or zoology. These are the programs that you may enter to earn your degree and finding one with a dedicated program helps you with your specialized interest in herpetology.


    Continue to work hard at all subjects in your schoolwork, but focus on math, science and language arts. These fundamentals are essential when you get into college coursework and are used daily in the life of a herpetologist regardless of the area of specialization you choose.


    Be prepared to live in areas where herpetology is available. It may be difficult to be a herpetologist in Alaska where demand for them may be a little low, whereas in Arizona or Florida the availability of resources for herpetology is abundant.

    Read more: How to Become a Herpetologist |鈥?/a>

    Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark?

    go to the science experts =%26gt;鈥?/a>

    forget about National Geographic. if you want to know about dinosaurs ..go to the real expert...the Holy Bible

    (btw this link for when you want to teach your kids REAL science... not those atheist liberal lies they learn in school and museums)Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark?
    These kind of questions that run around in your head are the ones that are blinding you from the truth and why, on judgement day, God will tell you; I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    You are deceived, you think you are a child of God but you are not.

    Ask God to show you the way to eternal life, instead of searching for topics to debate.

    Read the parable of the sower and understand where you went wrong.
    Before the flood, think, for hundreds of years, the earth had not rained, It was like the tropics world wide. Then suddenly, after the door of the Ark was shut, something happened. The greatest thunderstorm occurred all at once, at the same time, all over the world. Think, would this not caused a great weather change to occur, The Great Ice Age. This would be followed by various climate changes through out the world at that time. So the earth has different climates among its continents today.Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark?
    The whole story is a fairy tale but since dinosaurs have been discovered the so called christians have changed the Noah story to include dinosaurs.Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark?
    Is this a joke?


    Excuse us for being "liberal", as you kindly put it : )


    The logical answer would be: If they fit. It makes sense to me! And in actuality, my salvation in Christ doesn't depend on if there were or weren't dinosaurs on the ark, so I'm not too horribly worried :)
    of course, how else was jesus ride in to Bethlehem? all the unicorns had already migrated out of the area, so he rode a triceratops
    If there was a dinosaur the size of a chicken, maybe Noah took that onboard too.
    If he did, don't you think the Bible would have clearly stated that he did? After all it is a very descriptive story.
    how could he have if they where pre bible
    well im pretty sure you can get baby dinos, or did they not exist?
  • treat acne
  • Please help! Will you help?

    Did you see the show on National Geographic? They stuck this young kid (no prior history of crime) in Lebanon prison with murderers and sexual predators. He's in for 7 years for a mistake he made when someone bumped into his car and then punched him. He chased the car which hit a pole. A passenger was pregnant and lost the fetus. Ok, bad mistake. But he came from a decent family and never did anything wrong in his life before this. He's in for 7 years with hard core criminals who prey upon him. It's pitiful. My question, will you email the governor of Ohio to plea for him? Ask that the kid be placed in a different, lower security prison. That's all. I don't know him but it only seems fair. I would hate that it could have been my son whose temper might land him in hell for a mistake he didn't mean to happen. This kid has a chance at a decent life. He might come out a hardened criminal. Here is the Ohio governor's site:鈥?/a>

    Help do a good deed!Please help! Will you help?
    How does the woman who lost her baby feel about all this?

    There really isn't a "Whoops! I didn't mean for my uncontrolled temper to cause the death of an innocent party" card in Monopoly or in life. People can and should control their tempers. If they don't, they take the risk of going too far and ending up in a situation like this guy. Prisons don't have a "comes from a good family" section or a "is a really nice guy except for that whole murderous rage thing" section.

    "my son whose temper might land him in hell for a mistake he didn't mean to happen" His temper is not calling the shots ... he is. He is in contol of it, not the other way around. As a parent, you have a responsibility to both your son (assuming he is a minor) and society to deny him access to a motor vehicle until he gets his anger under control.

    People make choices every day. If someone chooses to not control their temper and get in a wild car chase, then they accept the possibility that a very bad thing might happen, and that they will be punished for it.Please help! Will you help?
    It is a good idea to help. I appreciate your conscientiousness in this matter and will do all that I can. - I am only an ordinary citizen from New York State.Please help! Will you help?
    Unfortunately bad temper landed many young people in jail.I do not know the circumstances but must have been enough reason to incarcerate him for seven years. First and foremost a life was terminated because of his uncontrolled reaction. How do you know if the mother will ever be able to carry another child? Your request is selfish. Any young man with that kind of temper needs help.In this case a lesson is well deserved. The choice now is his. He will serve his time and became a better or a bitter man.

    Please help! Will you help?

    Please help! Will you help?

    Did you see the show on National Geographic? They stuck this young kid (no prior history of crime) in Lebanon prison with murderers and sexual predators. He's in for 7 years for a mistake he made when someone bumped into his car and then punched him. He chased the car which hit a pole. A passenger was pregnant and lost the fetus. Ok, bad mistake. But he came from a decent family and never did anything wrong in his life before this. He's in for 7 years with hard core criminals who prey upon him. It's pitiful. My question, will you email the governor of Ohio to plea for him? Ask that the kid be placed in a different, lower security prison. That's all. I don't know him but it only seems fair. I would hate that it could have been my son whose temper might land him in hell for a mistake he didn't mean to happen. This kid has a chance at a decent life. He might come out a hardened criminal. Here is the Ohio governor's site:

    Help do a good deed!Please help! Will you help?
    ya, i agree... that poor boy

    I need help really bad quick?

    ok so i was reading national geographic and i say starving kid from etipia i want to help but i dont know howI need help really bad quick?
    A few organizations you can donate to:鈥?/a>
    You could donate to a charity. There are some really good ones out there. Try this one:

    You can also find other charities, but I would read into them.

    If you have any questions about the charity I posted, look around the site.I need help really bad quick?
    look for donations that go to africaI need help really bad quick?
    send him your leftovers

    Digital cable tv packages?

    I'm looking for a digital cable tv package but either I can't figure out what they carry or don't have what I want.

    I don't want any kind of family package and the less sports and kids channels the better.

    I'm interested in movie channels like Sundance and IFC, any kind of art channel like Ovation. I like learning channels like National Geographic and the Travel channel.

    If I could get some kind of foreign film channel, or be able to get foreign channels in english subtitles it would be awesome.Digital cable tv packages?
    Cable companies offer what they offer, and you will alway get

    channels you don't want. What you need to go is take what is best suited for your budget, vs having what you want. and the check on reliablity with friends or neighbors.

    But all you should have to do is request a channel lineup from the cable company, and they should be able to help, or go online.

    If you can ask a question on here, you should be able to look up a channel line up on a cable company's websiteDigital cable tv packages?
    I believe the cable packages vary on the company and where you live.Digital cable tv packages?
    i used to work for time warner cable... they would prolly suit you the best

    Is it parents or is it TV?

    so many people try to blame tv for the way our children are behaving these days. but there are parental controls on your tv for a reason. there are plenty of great channels to watch, discovery, history, animal planet, national geographic, etc. are we too quick to point the finger at anything but ourselves? communication should be the key and used frequently. kids should know the difference because we take the time to tell them. when we cuss do we not tell our children that even though we as adults do it, they should not? the point is, its inevitable that our children will be exposed to bad example many times in their lives, its up to us to make sure they know which example to follow.Is it parents or is it TV?
    It's both but I put more blame on parents. Everyone wants to be a parent but no one wants the responsibilites that some along with the title. Sure there's safe guards on television but what ever happened to sitting down with your child and actually watching TV with them and discussing what they see? What ever happened to turning the TV (including video games) off and being a parent by reading to your child or playing with them (games, dolls, cars, etc.)? We have several beautiful parks in our town and I rarely see children there unless there's some event and then I see the parents visiting with other parents and relying on someone else to watch their kids! When their kids get in trouble, it's never thier fault as parents or their kids fault even though they were caught red handed! Heaven forbid you get caught disciplining your child these days! Anything more than a, "No, no, Johnny!" with a time out will land you in hot water it seems.

    No, I'm not one of the "doesn't have kids" people. I have three. We have limitations in our home for television, computers, video games, etc. We have a well stocked library at home and still do weekly outings to our town library. We have family game nights. We're known as the weird family on our block because our kids have rules and curfews and consequences when they break them. They also think we're strange because we have family dinners and spend time together. Our oldest son is 12 so I don't expect this will last much longer but hopefully we've instilled some positive life lessons in him to make solid decisions. I take my responsibilty TO MY CHILDREN to heart... I wish others would too instead of looking for who's to blame when they get themselves in over their head.
    Like most things- its not appropriate to place blame on one thing or another. Rather, its a combination of the twoIs it parents or is it TV?
    its society in generalIs it parents or is it TV?
    It is lack of parents in kids lives, they both work or the household is broken by divorce, adults don't spend quality time with the kids, and a lot of them set bad examples, I have never seen a ruder generation of kids than the ones now, most of them don't have manners and don't care about anyone but themselves, and TV plays right into that, it makes it seem OK for boys to treat girls badly and girls to dress slutty, and it glamorizes stars too much and makes kids think it is all about the dollar.
    blaming tv is just an excuse for bad parenting; sure I love violent movies, tv shows and games but I was taught the difference between them and reality
    Parents don't want to be bothered to raise there kids, so they blame their bad behavior on the TV, and movies, and the way the music stars behave. Not the problem. The parents are the problem. Lazy and ignorant Parents
    Parents and the child are to blame. The child picks who that are friends with. Parents should try when they are with the child to let them know right from wrong, but also when some kids are with friends they act diff. then and home, but NO TV shouldn't be blamed. Parents should also know every thing they do the kids are seeing it so they are learning what their parents do.
  • lip stain
  • How come nude Africans are shown uncensored on TV?

    I remember as a kid I saw African women completely exposed on one of those learning channels and I think in the National Geographic or something. Why is it acceptable to show these women uncensored?How come nude Africans are shown uncensored on TV?
    Television is show casing natural elements, and mostly the world is clothed. To bad huh.
    because they cant sue!

    and plus in some of these countries us westerners dont consider them civilized so it basically like showing animals sad to sayHow come nude Africans are shown uncensored on TV?
    Because ever since day one, Americans have been afraid of being racist. I think It should be banned. If Americans can't do It then Africans can't either. Period.How come nude Africans are shown uncensored on TV?
    racism... most of the people who run those shows are white supremacist...

    Please help! Will you help?

    Please help! Will you help?

    Did you see the show on National Geographic? They stuck this young kid (no prior history of crime) in Lebanon prison with murderers and sexual predators. He's in for 7 years for a mistake he made when someone bumped into his car and then punched him. He chased the car which hit a pole. A passenger was pregnant and lost the fetus. Ok, bad mistake. But he came from a decent family and never did anything wrong in his life before this. He's in for 7 years with hard core criminals who prey upon him. It's pitiful. My question, will you email the governor of Ohio to plea for him? Ask that the kid be placed in a different, lower security prison. That's all. I don't know him but it only seems fair. I would hate that it could have been my son whose temper might land him in hell for a mistake he didn't mean to happen. This kid has a chance at a decent life. He might come out a hardened criminal. Here is the Ohio governor's site:

    Help do a good deed!Please help! Will you help?
    sorry the page cannot be found
    Diddo! the page could not be found.Please help! Will you help?
    No page. Did this happen in Ohio? Why call the governor of Ohio?Please help! Will you help?
    Another thing that can be done to help prisoners is to join Amnesty International. we work to help prisoners in all countries.

    Is there something up with India's genetics?

    I'm asking because right now, the National Geographic channel has 3 1-hour specials about some kid with a very rare deformity. Like the girl who cries blood, the smallest girl in the world(a 15 year old who is 2 feet tall), and the girl with eight limbs. All from India. Is there an abnormal rate of incest there?Is there something up with India's genetics?
    Sampling error, they have over a billion people in that country, and access to media, these things happen everywhere.


    Yeah, so, sry if the question freaked u out a bit. I wanted ya'll's attention, and yes I'm from the south. XD

    My question is that I need lots of really good advice! I'm planning on participating in the National Geographic International Photography Contest 2008 For Kids. There are 3 categories: Animals, Scenery, and People. I am planning on entering Scenery and maybe Animals. I already have the pictures, it's just I need lots of good advice and comments on them to decide which pictures to submit! This is the contest's website if u want to look at it.鈥?/a>

    Yeah, so this is a big deal because I'm not the greatest photographer in my family, but my older sister and dad are really good and I at least want to be a little closer to them in skill! My dad actually used to be a professional photographer. ^_^

    So this is the link to my Flickr Photography Photostream:鈥?/a>

    And another thing is that I already asked a question like this about the Animal photos I have, and here is the link to that question.;鈥?/a>

    Please, ya'll, or everyone if that term makes you feel better, HELP MEEEEEE! The deadline is November 3rd, 2008 which is next Monday! I have to send the pictures in before that, so please please please please help me! I want/need really awesome advice and comments on my pictures! Yes, I know some of them are a bit crappy, and I don't really want negative critisism, but I really need some nice advice/tips/comments/choices!!!!!! I'm looking for good advice, good critisism, constructive critisism and even some negative ones if it'll help me, your choice of photo that I should send in and why, and basically help!

    People, I really, really, want to win this! I'm getting pretty stressed out about this, and yes, I know that I may not win, and heck I may not even get good answers to this question, but I just want to win and actually feel like there is a chance to win in this world! Life has been going pretty bad for me with my mom's breast cancer, giving my puppies away, and such, so people, winning this would really mean a lot to me.


    I think you need to set your site on the important things first, like your mom . Winning something is not going to make all the other things go away, you cannot count on this win to change everything else, what if you don't win! Are your pictures of the white dog and pink flowers? The close animal shot is the best I believe. What about talking to your dad, wasn't he a pro, he should help. WHO IS THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHY CRITIC? I WANT SOME GREAT ADVICE PEOPLE! ;D?
    So here's what I think.. (but it looks like you also have some bigger problems on your hands to deal with that's not photography...)

    one thing I really like about this image is that it is really sharp.鈥?/a>

    although the right/top edge of your puppy's face looks a little blown out.

    But I enjoyed that image the most out of all the ones you took.

    american eskimo?

    i have one too.

    Opinion and advice on picture for photo contest???

    Okay, so I want to enter the National Geographic International Photography Contest 2008 For Kids. But, I need a lot of help because I AM STRESSING OUT!!! -_-

    There are 3 categories: Animals, People, and Scenery. I'm planning on entering all three, but this question is for Animals. The contest started on August 1st and will end on November 3rd, so I have a lot of time. The rules and other stuff that you may want to know about is on their website:鈥?/a>

    Anyways, what I want is for everybody who answers this question to give me their advice and opinion on my pictures. Also, it would be awesome if you could tell me which picture is your favorite and if I should use that picture. This is the link to my Animal category pictures:鈥?/a>

    The first picture is my personal favorite, and I was planning on using that one, but I would like for others to tell me what picture(s) they like.

    Any advice that would help me is veryyyyy welcome!!!

    Thanks in advance to everyone!!Opinion and advice on picture for photo contest???
    I like all of your pictures and was impressed with the quality of all of them. There are a few things you might want to consider in the future though.

    1.) Lighting, you have the same camera I have (based on what it said in flickr) and there are a lot options you have to make adjustments for lighting prior to taking the picture. Your best bet would be to go to:鈥?/a> It's Kodak's site and it's helped me out a lot.

    2.) Remember the rule of thirds. Basically try to have your main subject a little off center to add interest to the photo. The nice thing about the EasyShare C813 is there's a button you can push that will display a grid on the view screen to help accomplish this. (It's the button right below the delete button and you have to press it couple times before the display appears)

    3.) This kind of goes with the rule of thirds but try to focus a little more on your subject. You were able to do that with the close-ups of your dog but not as much on the other photos. The photo that would benefit the most would be the one with the turtles. If you can try to zoom in a little more to really capture your subject which in the case would be the two in front that are facing you.

    But based on the rules for the contest and judging criteria I would have to say I'd go with the photo of the hand in the water holding the sea urchin. This one has a good compostion and the quality is great, and if you want my honest opinion it's the most creative picture you have. Don't forget, 50% of the judging is based on creativity. You've got the quality down pretty good so I'd work on that now. Good luck.
    I agree, the first one is probably the best. I also like the turtles, but I don't think it's winning material, you weren't quite close enough, and the light and exposure isn't as good as the first dog. If you want to use your dog as the model, I would keep trying. After all, you have several more weeks. I'd rather see the dog's ears included in the composition. I think if you keep at it, you may get one that's even better than the images you have posted. Good luck!Opinion and advice on picture for photo contest???
    I also love the first photo. The blue wall in the background provides excellent contrast to the white of the dog. Beautiful!Opinion and advice on picture for photo contest???
    I told you. =P
    The first one is definitely the best. Use that one!
    use ur fav 1
  • makeup look
  • Why are my boobs so saggy?

    I'm in my 20's, Ive breastfed two children and my boobs are mega saggy, almost as bad as those rain forest women on national geographic. But even before I had kids, even in my teens they were never perky. they aren't really big either, like a c since I've put on weight, used to be a small b. I did wear training bras for a while, maybe like till I was 14 or 15, does that have something to do with it? My mother is in her late 50's and her boobs are much perkier than mine and she breast fed 3 kids! I don't get it, is this an inherited gene or did I cause this myself? I'm really self conscious about them I think they are ugly please help!Why are my boobs so saggy?
    start working doing chest excercises. bench press with light weight and stuff
    you probably just dont have alot of cottage in them as most female does. You can speak with your Dr to ask for any suggestionsWhy are my boobs so saggy?
    Mine are also reallt saggy and i am a teen. :(Why are my boobs so saggy?
    do press up or weights

    How do I choose my Comcast package?

    I admit it: I really have a hard time understanding how this whole thing about cable works. So I am asking here. I want to have NBA TV, Gol TV (this is a MUST, so I can watch FC Barcelona games), ESPN, ESPN2 (a MUST to watch the Soccer European Champions League), those cool education channels like Discovery, History, National Geographic, Travel, etc. and I like movies, so if there is something like Independent Film, and movies in general, fine. After saying all of this, CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME LIKE I AM A 5 YEAR OLD KID what IS the package I need from Comcast and how to order it online? Thanks a lot!!!How do I choose my Comcast package?
    You can actually speak to a customer service rep online. If you go to the Comcast website there is a section where you can instant messenger a rep and talk to someone who will help you set up your account.

    Since I am hard of hearing, that worked out great for me. The rep was able to answer all of my questions, quote me exact prices and set up time and date for my installation.
    As a longtime comcast user and a relative of a comcast employee, the best thing to do is call the local office and have them send a customer service rep. to your house. Don't do it online or in office. the rep. can give you a better deal if they come to you. They will explain to you the different packages and usually will work you a deal for like 3 months to try everything at a great price and then after that you can decide what works out the best for you. Definitely get the HD packages if you have an HD tv. Discovery HD is the greatest.How do I choose my Comcast package?
    you right good for a 5 year oldHow do I choose my Comcast package?
    Comcast sucks...see if there is another cable provider in your area or go with satellite. Funny add in, I spell checked the above and it suggested Compost in place of Comcast. Somehow seams correct!

    What horror movie has this picture?

    what horror movie has a picture that is a blond kid with a stuff toy on her arm watching tv? It was said that all the characters that were in that movie died. I watched it the other day on National Geographic but didn't catch the title. Thanks!What horror movie has this picture?
    You're thinking of Poltergeist...but only the girl who played Carolann died...the boy and the older daughter didnt. Craig T. Nelson the dad in the movie didn't and his wife, I cant remember the name, she didn't either.

    Interested in working in photography, any advice?

    It has been my lifelong dream to work for National Geographic or Time, but I don't know how to get started. I don't have any big degrees, but I feel like I have a photographic eye and a distinctive style. Other than just bombarding these companies with my photos during one of their photo contests and hoping that someone will be blown away by one of my photos and offer me the career of a life time, what other way should I go about becoming an addition to one of these companies? I'm not a rich kid who can travel the world taking pictures and have a lot of diverse people and places amongst my photos, but I do the best I can here in Florida-but I want that to change. I want to expand and capture the world through photography-and be paid for it! Is there anyone who has a similar background or that can offer advice on where to start?

    Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer- :)Interested in working in photography, any advice?
    There are various ways to get started:

    The 1st URL that I have listed shows a GREAT BLOG from professionals in the field discussing this same request from a amateur photographer with the same dream. Please take the time to read it to discover some of their talented suggestions. Photo journalism is your focus---get more training in this area NOW---build your portfolio in nature and people--if you want the National Geographic's attention. As for TIME, well people, events--- read on...

    Offer your services 1st at the LOCAL level---start going to your local media and offer your time and assistance in their photography department. Remember it is the people you know and the relationships that will help you get to the top AS WELL AS your talent. So you will need to develop these contacts.

    2nd: Go to the local schools and photograph their events--offer these photographs to the local media as part of your work.

    COMMUNITIES: shoot for a cause---a cause that is important for you---then offer these stories (photos) to the local media for stories to be considered in publication.

    Research your photography clubs in town, private and public. Community colleges have in-expensive courses that you can take (participate in) and from there start your networking---ask around for projects---Volunteer in these projects.

    Websites and communities online are some of the quickest ways to get your work published and inexpensive or in many cases for free. Get your work out there ---

    Model agencies---aply for photography assistant positions---even if you are the person filing or photoshoping the images---and not actually creating the images at 1st---just get in---do the work from the beginning stages---and you will learn more about your craft as well as make more contacts.

    These are good starts---National Geographic and Time---humm--go to their job boards and post your work as samples to be reviewed. Keep persistance and do this regularly--Always include a telephone and email address for them to contact you---never mail anything without a telephone and email address---and keep your phone with you---be prepared to answer it---you only get one chance with these big agencies-- as the world has more names/photographers they can call on.---They are usually working at a very fast pace.

    Advertisement agencies are another good source to get you noticed---apply again at an entry level position. Your work should speak for itself---list the software that you are familiar with in regards to photo manipulation...if you don't know of any software---LEARN IT---it is the wave of the future with imaging and photography---film photography is still alive and kicking, however, you will need to be as flexible with ALL ASPECTS of PHOTOGRAPHY to be able to get your foot into the door.

    Good luck--have fun and keep shooting great photos. Share them with every one ---tell everyone about your dream and believe in it---make it happen.

    Start your freelance photography business now, with digital and print making development and photo sharing so easy--you can get started relatively inexpensive and somewhat now with minimal hardware purchases. See the last link for more details.

    I don't have big degrees either, specially related to photography, but I have nice photos, and I had it on free websites, now I switched to stock photos websites where I can sell it, there is a lot of sites and names, but I guess the best deal for me is big stock鈥?/a>

    You can go in there and look in the pages, maybe you will be interested.

    Good luckInterested in working in photography, any advice?
    Have a look at my site lots of help Jobe Tips and Links

    good luck鈥?/a>Interested in working in photography, any advice?
    start by learning photography, exposure, lighting, flash, depth control, focus. the people that work for NG got there because they are the best in their field, better that all the great pros,

    start learn how to use light and exposure


    Who misses 90's NICK ??


    AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (1994-1997)

    Adventures of the Little Koala (1987-1993)

    The Adventures of Tintin (1991-1996)

    Alvin and the Chipmunks

    The Alvin Show on Nickelodeon (1989-1992)

    The Angry Beavers (1997-2001)

    Bananaman (1983-1986)

    Belle and Sebastian (1984-1990)

    Beetlejuice (1989-1991)

    Bump in the Night (1993-1996)

    Cartoon Kablooey

    CatDog (1998-2000 only)

    Count Duckula (1988-1993)

    DangerMouse (1984-1987, 1991-1994)

    Doug (1991-1994)

    Eureeka's Castle (1989-1996)

    Freakazoid! (1995-1997)

    Garfield and Friends (1997-2000)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    Hey Arnold! (1996-2004)

    Heathcliff (1987-1991)

    Inspector Gadget (1987-1992)

    Jim Henson's Muppet Babies (1987-1999)

    KaBlam! (1996-2000)

    The Legend of Zelda (1989)

    The Littl' Bits (1991-1995)

    The Little Prince (1985-1990)

    Looney Tunes on Nickelodeon (1989-1999)

    Maple Town (1987-1990)

    Maya the Bee (1990-1992)

    Mysterious Cities of Gold (1986-1990)

    Noozles (1989-1993)

    Oh Yeah! Cartoons (1998-2000)

    Pinky and the Brain (1993-1996)

    The Ren %26amp; Stimpy Show (1991-1996)

    Rocko's Modern Life (1993-1997)

    Rocky and Bullwinkle

    Rugrats (Until the Movie)

    Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea (1986-1990)

    Sports Cartoon

    Star Trek: The Animated Series (1984)

    The Smurfs (1985-1989, 1991-1995)

    The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989)

    Tiny Toon Adventures (1989-1993)

    Underdog (1989)

    Voltron (1989-1996)

    The Wild Thornberrys (1998-2002)

    The World of David the Gnome (1988-1996)


    Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992-1996)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    3-2-1 Contact

    Nickelodeon Launch Box (1991)

    Mr. Wizard's World (1983-2000)

    Pinwheel (1979-1989)

    National Geographic EXPLORER

    Going Great (1983)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)


    What Will they Think of Next!

    Game Shows

    Double Dare (1986-2000)

    o Super Sloppy Double Dare

    o Family Double Dare (1988-1993)

    Figure It Out (1997-2000)

    o Figure It Out: Family Style

    o Figure It Out: Wild Style

    Finders Keepers (1987-1992)

    Get the Picture (1991-1993)

    Nickelodeon GUTS

    o Global GUTS

    Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993-1997)

    Make the Grade (1989-1991)

    Nick Arcade (1992-1993)

    Think Fast! (1989-1991)

    What Would You Do? (1991-1993)

    Wild and Crazy Kids (1990-1992)

    o Nick America (1993-1994)

    You're On! (1998-2000)


    And Now This...

    All That (1994-whenever the original cast left)

    Don't Just Sit There (1988-1991)

    Kids Court (1988-1991)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)

    Out of Control (1984-1991 1993)

    Roundhouse (1992-1996)

    Weinerville (early 90's)

    You Can't Do That on Television (1979-1991)

    Live action

    The Adventures of Pete %26amp; Pete (1993-1996)


    Clarissa Explains It All (1991-1994)

    Cousin Skeeter

    The Elephant Show (1987-1993)


    Fred Penner's Place


    Hey Dude (1989-1991)

    The Journey of Allen Strange (1997-2000)

    Kenan %26amp; Kel (1996-2000)

    Land of the Lost (1991-1992)


    My Brother and Me (1994)

    The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (1996-1999)

    Salute Your Shorts

    Space Cases (1996-1997)

    Swans Crossing (1992)

    The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994-1998)

    The Third Eye

    Today's Special

    The Tomorrow People

    Welcome Freshmen(1991-1993)Who misses 90's NICK ??
    Oooooh man...Kenan and Kel, All That! (you know, before it SUCKED?), Doug, Rocco's Modern Life, Are you Afraid of the Dark?, Clarissa Explains it All, Rugrats, Legends of the Hidden Temple...AH! I miss good Nick. D*=

    Report Abuse

    Who misses 90's NICK ??
    I miss the 90's shows. I just hope one day they will show classic 90's reruns on Nick or even show a marathon of Hey Arnold or Doug. I wasn't really into Spongebob. I don't like that show or any other shows that they show on Nick now they are boring in my opinion.

    Report Abuse

    Who misses 90's NICK ??
    thoses where the good old days...*sniff*
    Wow. So many shows I forgot about! I love that list. I need to show people that list!

    I USED to like Spongebob until it was overplayed! When a new episode of Spongebob is supposed to air, they act like the whole world should know and make like, a marathon. FOR ONE EPISODE!

    Avatar is the only good show on nick :) It's actually my favorite show on nick. Ever. Soooo weird......
    sniff, sniff...everybody does...sniff
    I really miss the 90's nick. The shows back then are better than the shows now.
    all of those shows were soo great!

    much better than the crap they have today.

    the only good cartoon on Nick right now is Spongebob in my opinion.
    you better believe it, such good shows replaced with such crap
    i miss it too, i think part of the reason is the animation , some of the animation now days gives me headaches, alot of is program animated instead of cell, but i cant complain i use program, its easier, the show i miss the most is Pinky and the Brain. but the one i miss the least is Hey Arnold, Rugrats, and Wildthornberrys. i could o without them lol
    the 90's nick were the best. now, most of the shows are terrible.
    ME! ME! ME!

    90s kid, right here
    ugh... you know.. a couple of weeks ago they had a special on a saturday playing all the first episodes of every nick show... best day yet this year lol... and they really need to bring it back... i heard they play keenan and kel on the N... but i dont know... i dont get it :(
  • natural beauty tips
  • Don't you guys remember the old Nickelodeon?


    AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (1994-1997)

    Adventures of the Little Koala (1987-1993)

    The Adventures of Tintin (1991-1996)

    Alvin and the Chipmunks

    The Alvin Show on Nickelodeon (1989-1992)

    The Angry Beavers (1997-2001)

    Bananaman (1983-1986)

    Belle and Sebastian (1984-1990)

    Beetlejuice (1989-1991)

    Bump in the Night (1993-1996)

    Cartoon Kablooey

    CatDog (1998-2000 only)

    Count Duckula (1988-1993)

    DangerMouse (1984-1987, 1991-1994)

    Doug (1991-1994)

    Eureeka's Castle (1989-1996)

    Freakazoid! (1995-1997)

    Garfield and Friends (1997-2000)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    Hey Arnold! (1996-2004)

    Heathcliff (1987-1991)

    Inspector Gadget (1987-1992)

    Jim Henson's Muppet Babies (1987-1999)

    KaBlam! (1996-2000)

    The Legend of Zelda (1989)

    The Littl' Bits (1991-1995)

    The Little Prince (1985-1990)

    Looney Tunes on Nickelodeon (1989-1999)

    Maple Town (1987-1990)

    Maya the Bee (1990-1992)

    Mysterious Cities of Gold (1986-1990)

    Noozles (1989-1993)

    Oh Yeah! Cartoons (1998-2000)

    Pinky and the Brain (1993-1996)

    The Ren %26amp; Stimpy Show (1991-1996)

    Rocko's Modern Life (1993-1997)

    Rocky and Bullwinkle

    Rugrats (Until the Movie)

    Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea (1986-1990)

    Sports Cartoon

    Star Trek: The Animated Series (1984)

    The Smurfs (1985-1989, 1991-1995)

    The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989)

    Tiny Toon Adventures (1989-1993)

    Underdog (1989)

    Voltron (1989-1996)

    The Wild Thornberrys (1998-2002)

    The World of David the Gnome (1988-1996)


    Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992-1996)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    3-2-1 Contact

    Nickelodeon Launch Box (1991)

    Mr. Wizard's World (1983-2000)

    Pinwheel (1979-1989)

    National Geographic EXPLORER

    Going Great (1983)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)


    What Will they Think of Next!

    Game Shows

    Double Dare (1986-2000)

    o Super Sloppy Double Dare

    o Family Double Dare (1988-1993)

    Figure It Out (1997-2000)

    o Figure It Out: Family Style

    o Figure It Out: Wild Style

    Finders Keepers (1987-1992)

    Get the Picture (1991-1993)

    Nickelodeon GUTS

    o Global GUTS

    Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993-1997)

    Make the Grade (1989-1991)

    Nick Arcade (1992-1993)

    Think Fast! (1989-1991)

    What Would You Do? (1991-1993)

    Wild and Crazy Kids (1990-1992)

    o Nick America (1993-1994)

    You're On! (1998-2000)


    And Now This...

    All That (1994-whenever the original cast left)

    Don't Just Sit There (1988-1991)

    Kids Court (1988-1991)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)

    Out of Control (1984-1991 1993)

    Roundhouse (1992-1996)

    Weinerville (early 90's)

    You Can't Do That on Television (1979-1991)

    Live action

    The Adventures of Pete %26amp; Pete (1993-1996)


    Clarissa Explains It All (1991-1994)

    Cousin Skeeter

    The Elephant Show (1987-1993)


    Fred Penner's Place


    Hey Dude (1989-1991)

    The Journey of Allen Strange (1997-2000)

    Kenan %26amp; Kel (1996-2000)

    Land of the Lost (1991-1992)


    My Brother and Me (1994)

    The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (1996-1999)

    Salute Your Shorts

    Space Cases (1996-1997)

    Swans Crossing (1992)

    The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994-1998)

    The Third Eye

    Today's Special

    The Tomorrow People

    Welcome Freshmen(1991-1993)

    wikipeida provided most of this info

    Random list of other things to bring back

    The Big Help

    The Big Orange Couch

    Stick Stickly


    Old Nickelodeon Commericals


    Old Nick Jr. ProgrammingDon't you guys remember the old Nickelodeon?
    wow ur awesome

    u actually listed everything! every single one of em!

    yeah i actually miss the old nick.

    the only thing that i really enjoy watching on nick now is spongebob, seriously! :)
    man those were the days they were simply awesome. dang we need to get a petition to get these greats back. these were the cartoons i grew up with, and when being a kid really meant being one. dang i think ill cry i just miss them so much!!!

    Report Abuse

    Don't you guys remember the old Nickelodeon?
    Aw I miss those shows. They bring so many memories!!Don't you guys remember the old Nickelodeon?
    yea i remeber some of these. Some of them i was like 4 years old and wouldnt remember, but those were classics lol
    Oh man, some great shows in that list.

    i remember all the cartoons :D

    I watched almost all of those.
    wow some old shows
    so many memories... i remember CatDog and AHH! Real Monsters. Remember the Butt Ugly Martians?
    I remember a lot of them. I use to LOVE the show Doug
    oh my gosh rocko's modern life was my favorite show ever!

    and i remember getting so scared of "are you afraid of the dark"

    doug is a classic as well :]

    i love them all! miss those days
    yes!!! I loved 'Maya the Bee ' but i swear NOT ONE PERSON ever remembers it (i loved singing the intro song).

    It was very sad the other day when i saw NICK AT NIGHT was playing "fresh prince" hahaha
    haha wow those shows owned back in the day

    still watch them sumtimes lol
    Yes, Nickelodeon in the past was far superior to the crap they have now...
    Aw I miss the old Nick and the old MTV whenthey played music instead of stupid shows all day long
    I miss tose shows. The new ones are ****.

    90's Nick Survey.. ?

    I don't know about you, but I WANT MY 90's NICKELODEON BACK! D:

    From the Rugrats to Kenan and Kel, and Old All That (Without Jamie Spears) to Ahh! Real Monsters!

    Invader Zim.. Angry Beavers.. Rocko's Modern Life..

    Hey Arnold.. The Amanda Show.. Doug.. Ren and Stimpy..


    %26amp; let's not forget the Wild Thornberries! :D

    ----%26gt;That's not all, but you get the point!


    %26amp; Who Was Your Favorite Cartoon Character?


    (%26amp; Nothing from Disney or Cartoon Network!)

    If I could bring back any cartoon, I'd have to say Hey Arnold. %26amp; My favorite Character was Heifer the Cow from Rocko's Modern Life. :D :D

    Here's the Complete List:


    AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (1994-1997)

    Adventures of the Little Koala (1987-1993)

    The Adventures of Tintin (1991-1996)

    Alvin and the Chipmunks

    The Alvin Show on Nickelodeon (1989-1992)

    The Angry Beavers (1997-2001)

    Bananaman (1983-1986)

    Belle and Sebastian (1984-1990)

    Beetlejuice (1989-1991)

    Bump in the Night (1993-1996)

    Cartoon Kablooey

    CatDog (1998-2000 only)

    Count Duckula (1988-1993)

    DangerMouse (1984-1987, 1991-1994)

    Doug (1991-1994)

    Eureeka's Castle (1989-1996)

    Freakazoid! (1995-1997)

    Garfield and Friends (1997-2000)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    Hey Arnold! (1996-2004)

    Heathcliff (1987-1991)

    Inspector Gadget (1987-1992)

    Jim Henson's Muppet Babies (1987-1999)

    KaBlam! (1996-2000)

    The Legend of Zelda (1989)

    The Littl' Bits (1991-1995)

    The Little Prince (1985-1990)

    Looney Tunes on Nickelodeon (1989-1999)

    Maple Town (1987-1990)

    Maya the Bee (1990-1992)

    Mysterious Cities of Gold (1986-1990)

    Noozles (1989-1993)

    Oh Yeah! Cartoons (1998-2000)

    Pinky and the Brain (1993-1996)

    The Ren %26amp; Stimpy Show (1991-1996)

    Rocko's Modern Life (1993-1997)

    Rocky and Bullwinkle

    Rugrats (Until the Movie)

    Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea (1986-1990)

    Sports Cartoon

    Star Trek: The Animated Series (1984)

    The Smurfs (1985-1989, 1991-1995)

    The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989)

    Tiny Toon Adventures (1989-1993)

    Underdog (1989)

    Voltron (1989-1996)

    The Wild Thornberrys (1998-2002)

    The World of David the Gnome (1988-1996)


    Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992-1996)

    Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (1989-1995)


    3-2-1 Contact

    Nickelodeon Launch Box (1991)

    Mr. Wizard's World (1983-2000)

    Pinwheel (1979-1989)

    National Geographic EXPLORER

    Going Great (1983)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)


    What Will they Think of Next!

    Game Shows

    Double Dare (1986-2000)

    o Super Sloppy Double Dare

    o Family Double Dare (1988-1993)

    Figure It Out (1997-2000)

    o Figure It Out: Family Style

    o Figure It Out: Wild Style

    Finders Keepers (1987-1992)

    Get the Picture (1991-1993)

    Nickelodeon GUTS

    o Global GUTS

    Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993-1997)

    Make the Grade (1989-1991)

    Nick Arcade (1992-1993)

    Think Fast! (1989-1991)

    What Would You Do? (1991-1993)

    Wild and Crazy Kids (1990-1992)

    o Nick America (1993-1994)

    You're On! (1998-2000)


    And Now This...

    All That (1994-whenever the original cast left)

    Don't Just Sit There (1988-1991)

    Kids Court (1988-1991)

    Kids Writes (1984-1987)

    Out of Control (1984-1991 1993)

    Roundhouse (1992-1996)

    Weinerville (early 90's)

    You Can't Do That on Television (1979-1991)

    Live action

    The Adventures of Pete %26amp; Pete (1993-1996)


    Clarissa Explains It All (1991-1994)

    Cousin Skeeter

    The Elephant Show (1987-1993)


    Fred Penner's Place


    Hey Dude (1989-1991)

    The Journey of Allen Strange (1997-2000)

    Kenan %26amp; Kel (1996-2000)

    Land of the Lost (1991-1992)


    My Brother and Me (1994)

    The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo (1996-1999)

    Salute Your Shorts

    Space Cases (1996-1997)

    Swans Crossing (1992)

    The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994-1998)

    The Third Eye

    Today's Special

    The Tomorrow People

    Welcome Freshmen(1991-1993)90's Nick Survey.. ?
    yeah.....most of the shows now kinda stink. i would bring back hey arnold and my favorrite character was cousin skeeter. omg, thax for asking this question, this brings back memories! %26lt;CLICK%26gt; star 4 u!
    Thats awesome, I completely forgot about so many of these shows and it totally just brought back TONS of memories and made me want to be 10 again. haha. thanks.90's Nick Survey.. ?
    the Smurfs and Todays special90's Nick Survey.. ?
    That is a tough question. Though there is Nicktoons Network and GAS to satisfy some of my needs, a lot of the shows on this list aren't on TV at all.

    I'd rather they just make a channel similar to Boomerang, and play all the shows.
    Hell yeah i want the 90's NICKELODEON back

    i grew up with those shows

    i love them all

    but mostly Pinky and the Brain

    The Ren %26amp; Stimpy Show

    Rocko's Modern Life

    i used to watch them all the time an i have them on video an even my brother loves them




    Is it worth it to get breast implants?

    I have wanted to for years, and when I have enough money saved up, I'm thinking I'm gonna go for it. Mine are only 34B and I've had kids, so they're not the perky girls they used to be, I'm only 26 and don't want to look like I belong on the cover of National Geographic in ten years! I hate gravity!Is it worth it to get breast implants?
    One man's opinion: Nothing nature can do to your breasts can be as horrible as stuffing them full of plastic.
    I bought some for my ex and she liked them. So did everyone else at where she worked, if you know what I mean.Is it worth it to get breast implants?
    I feel it would be worth it if it's what you want/need to do. I think implants are great.Is it worth it to get breast implants?
    *blush* uh, im a guy an whut u have sounds perfect...鈾?i dont really liek fake boobs
    No, keep what God wanted you to have. Fake breasts is for porn ladies, not classy women.
    I dont care what anyone says . GO FOR IT GIRL !!!!! I would . Im 36b , 4 kids. I say do it ! Do it for me !!!!
    NO NO NO NO NO! women need to learn that a fit and trim figure is far more appealing to a man than just boobs. Most of the time, big boobs are attached to a big girl, and that's not quite so hot.
    Yeah. Get the implants and a lift. But don't go too big. Ew! I don't understand why Pam Anderson has hers. It's not like she needs them.
    aww that sucks im 34B too :) 14 though but if i were you i wouldnt getting plastic surgury is just like saying to God "i dont like how you created me" thats horrible and im not saying that all plastic surgury is bad, but yours are fine :) its really ok and im scared mine are going to drop too when i have kids.... but push up bras :)
    just get a lift.implants sometimes look suspect.
    From a mans perspective ( I'm not really a chick ) I must say I prefer women with real breasts.

    Yes, gravity sucks... but.... there is nothing fun about being with a woman and rubbing against a couple of bags of saline..or whatever they are using these days. Fake boobs look fake, case closed.

    The way I see it, boobs are like snowflakes... no 2 are alike, but each set is beautiful in its own way!
    I wouldn't. There are a lot of augmentations that go badly. The breasts end up hard and lumpy and seperated from each other. Personally, I would prefer saggy breasts over unnatural ones.
    If I had to get something 'adjusted' in the future, I probably would. But as for implants, I can't imagine having someone cut me open %26amp; insert foriegn objects beneath my skin %26amp; then sew it back up. I'm sorry, but the whole thing kinda freaks me out.

    I'm a 34B too, but I'm happy with them. Just right for my body size.
    i think its not worth it, being someone your not is wrong. i know its for getting attentions but its getting attentions for the wrong thing. but its your choice go for it if you want, but my opinion is not getting it
    I say stay natural.....I am 40 and my size is 34C. Not big but they are all mine and I am proud of that fact. You didn't mention if you were married but if you are just how many people are going to see them? My niece got them when she was 25 and she loves them but she had nothing to begin with. It's up to you but find someone very reliable to do the surgery. Good-luck.
    It really depends on you more than anything. If someone else is giving you the idea, then no. But if you're willing to pay the money for them, then go ahead. I've heard so many horror stories regarding "drs" that do the procedure that aren't licensed so be sure you go to a respectable one. Some women say they feel more confident with larger boobs. I used to want them, but realized it was more of my boyfriend at the time that wanted them. I found out after getting away from him that I could care less.
    Do it if it makes you happy-you only live once. Just make sure to check out the Surgeon properly-you wouldn't want this to turn into a nightmare. The next thing is-make sure you have money for a rainy day. It would be very foolish to spend almost all the money you have on fake boobs and then soon after something could come up eg an unrelated emergency and you don't have the money to deal with it because you spent it on fake ****-I assure you-(speaking as a mom too) you would feel like an idiot. (A cute idiot but an idiot nonetheless)
    there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look sexier, silicone implants feel almost as natural, and saline implants can look great find inserted through the bellybutton.

    They will only look ridiculous if you go to a doctor who cant create a natural looking pocket, trust me I work in that field and have seen some girls come out looking so natural, and vice-versa, make sure you look at post-op picsa, b4 you decided on 1 dr.

    Is there something up with India's genetics?

    I'm asking because right now, the National Geographic channel has 3 1-hour specials about some kid with a very rare deformity. Like the girl who cries blood, the smallest girl in the world(a 15 year old who is 2 feet tall), and the girl with eight limbs. All from India. Is there an abnormal rate of incest there?Is there something up with India's genetics?
    No, its because theres 1/6 of the worlds population there, so you will see more abnormalities.

    ...or it could be all the pollution messing with people's genomes :OIs there something up with India's genetics?
    i know! i just watched national geographic the girl who cries blood and now it's the smallest girl in the world. it must be incest.

    What was the name of that show?

    It was an educational show for kids, about stuff like egypt or history, probably on national geographic or the history channel and the host was some fat dude with a medieval type voice and the intro had a white bird flying around a museum, skeletons, not sure what the show was called.What was the name of that show?
    OMG you mean Eyewitness?

    That show was the bomb.

    Wait- there was no fat guy though. :(
  • inkjet refills
  • Need help identifying a Brazilian artist/song?

    I was away and saw National Geographic Music channel and there was a video of a guy playing acoustic guitar with a band in a room (looked a bit like a shed). There were also two kids trying to feed a chicken of some sort?!

    I remember the chorus went something like "Pac-un-day pac-un-dah" x2. Any help would be great.Need help identifying a Brazilian artist/song?
    I have no idea but if you haven't already, try looking on...


    Good luck, hope you find it. :)

    My son is deciding on a career path. He likes medieval history, anthropology. Can you make suggestions?

    He has thought about teaching but doesn't want to be caught in the school discipline scene with kids that don't want to learn. Likes the prospect of travel and has thought about a working arrangement somewhat like for National Geographic although has no experience with photography. He could freelance and sell his stories/photos but would like to be funded. How would he go about researching the possibilities? Do you have any additional thoughts for him to investigate?My son is deciding on a career path. He likes medieval history, anthropology. Can you make suggestions?
    Shouldn't your son be asking these questions??? I sure hope it's your son who is interested in these career paths. The way your question is constructed, it seems as if it's you who is interested in these fields or you are trying to pressure him into something.

    Anthropology jobs are limited and only fall into the hands of the best in the field. Your son needs to be a self motivated person who likes science classes such as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, geology, morphology, statistics, geography, etc. Also he needs to maintain somewhere around a 3.5 to 4.0 GPA and plan on attending grad school. If he's up to all this, he should have no problem in pursuing any of the degrees offered in the field of anthropology.
    good question! please tell your son that he will be aiming higher on the academic ladder -- research universities mostly, but also opportunities to teach at liberal arts colleges. he will need at least a masters degree and preferably the PhD. he is correct regarding travel, and tell him that field work is as exciting as it gets in academia. (also, tell him that it麓s going to be hot or cold but always dirty work!) the web site below will get him started.

    i salute his career choice and wish him only the best. society needs experts in all aspects of history, anthropology and archeology -- where did we come from? how did we get here?My son is deciding on a career path. He likes medieval history, anthropology. Can you make suggestions?
    Well my first reaction was for him to become a professor that way he would be dealing with adults that wanted to learn not children. The benefits of being a professor is that you are constantly encouraged by the university to condict research on whatever field you are in, I believe that it may in fact be a requirement. the school funds it. Thats what my professor told me in college. Also he could go into international relations. That way he would be able to travel, learn about the history of countries and other dynamics. Or he could be an editor for a travel magazine. I hope this helps. International relations or Poly Sci are your best bets. Good luck.My son is deciding on a career path. He likes medieval history, anthropology. Can you make suggestions?
    they are always digging up something in great Britain that is medieval. Old Battle sites and graveyards and such. I'm sure he could find a job as an archaeologist studying these remains. he could also study the remains of structures like roads and bridges and ditches and the like , but you said he likes Anthropology
    I think he will need to do postgrad study to find a job in this sort of field, but also voluteer work is important.

    Maybe archaeologist, medieval period, but it will take a lot of work to get there,

    could possiibly work as an archaeological technician, taking photographs or archaeological sites, also takes a lot of work to get there I believe and I think the pay for either job is not great, but if you enjoy what you're doing it can be worth it

    I would say try and do as much volunteer work as he can find and see what he likes.

    I think he should study what he likes, even if it's difficult to find a job in it, since I have studied something I wasn't very interested in (engineering) and am now back doing archaeology and zoology. To have any degree is always useful.

    What should I wear on this flight?

    This Friday I'm flying 15 hours to Tanzania from New York, changing planes in Amsterdam. Obviously I want to be comfortable, but I'm flying with National Geographic and a group of high school kids I will meet in person for the first time at the airport Friday. I'm a high school student by the way. I don't want to show up looking sloppy, but I want to be comfortable for such a long travel.What should I wear on this flight?
    Just wear some sort of sweats/tee shirt. As long as they fit properly, there isn't a bold message on the tee, and there aren't holes/paint/dirt, etc. on your clothes, it should be understandable. Its a 15 hour flight- its okay to be comfy. :)What should I wear on this flight?
    Wear whatever you want on the flight %26amp; be as comfortable as possible.. Just bring something "nicer" to change into an hour or so before you land- pack it in your carry-on if you can- Perhaps some nice (clean) dark jeans or khaki pants- but you really dont want to over-do it. No one expects someone to step off a 15 hour flight looking like they are going to an interview. Im thinking like a plain black or white t-shirt with nice dark jeans (or khaki- whatever you prefer) with a scarf and maybe a light jacket. When you get there- its the cooler/dry season there right now and you dont want to show up unprepared- but im sure you already know to bring one..

    I would advise to not worry about jewelry and accessories- a scarf is perfect, but you really dont want to be flashy OR tacky. Most people there dont really bother with it.. I have worked with quite a few NatGeo people and the last thing on their minds is jewelry.What should I wear on this flight?
    You are a high school student and could wear jeans but they are not the coolest thing to wear. A lighter pair of slacks (khaki or black are good neutrals) , a cute tunic or button-up shirt that is loose enough to be comfortable yet doesn't wrinkle easily would be appropriate. Bring a light raincoat in case you need it. Wear some chunky colorful jewelry or a bright scarf to accessorize and bring color up to your face..

    What is a good news magazine for my 7th grader?

    He is a vivid reader and wants something about politics and news. We don't want something too complex like US News and World Report and Newsweek. He already has National Geographic Kids magazine. We were thinking about getting him New Yourk Times Upfront. Please visit the site and see what you think about that one and give us some more magazines that we could think about. Please use everthing I said here to answer this question. Magazine I will probably order gets best answer!鈥?/a>What is a good news magazine for my 7th grader?
    He's old enough for time magazine and Newsweek. Don't shortchange your kids abilities. Those magazines are not a difficult read. US News and world report might be slightly beyond his comprehension level but within a few years, I would make the switch to that journal because I think it has more insightful articles.