It's both but I put more blame on parents. Everyone wants to be a parent but no one wants the responsibilites that some along with the title. Sure there's safe guards on television but what ever happened to sitting down with your child and actually watching TV with them and discussing what they see? What ever happened to turning the TV (including video games) off and being a parent by reading to your child or playing with them (games, dolls, cars, etc.)? We have several beautiful parks in our town and I rarely see children there unless there's some event and then I see the parents visiting with other parents and relying on someone else to watch their kids! When their kids get in trouble, it's never thier fault as parents or their kids fault even though they were caught red handed! Heaven forbid you get caught disciplining your child these days! Anything more than a, "No, no, Johnny!" with a time out will land you in hot water it seems.
No, I'm not one of the "doesn't have kids" people. I have three. We have limitations in our home for television, computers, video games, etc. We have a well stocked library at home and still do weekly outings to our town library. We have family game nights. We're known as the weird family on our block because our kids have rules and curfews and consequences when they break them. They also think we're strange because we have family dinners and spend time together. Our oldest son is 12 so I don't expect this will last much longer but hopefully we've instilled some positive life lessons in him to make solid decisions. I take my responsibilty TO MY CHILDREN to heart... I wish others would too instead of looking for who's to blame when they get themselves in over their head.
Like most things- its not appropriate to place blame on one thing or another. Rather, its a combination of the twoIs it parents or is it TV?
its society in generalIs it parents or is it TV?
It is lack of parents in kids lives, they both work or the household is broken by divorce, adults don't spend quality time with the kids, and a lot of them set bad examples, I have never seen a ruder generation of kids than the ones now, most of them don't have manners and don't care about anyone but themselves, and TV plays right into that, it makes it seem OK for boys to treat girls badly and girls to dress slutty, and it glamorizes stars too much and makes kids think it is all about the dollar.
blaming tv is just an excuse for bad parenting; sure I love violent movies, tv shows and games but I was taught the difference between them and reality
Parents don't want to be bothered to raise there kids, so they blame their bad behavior on the TV, and movies, and the way the music stars behave. Not the problem. The parents are the problem. Lazy and ignorant Parents
Parents and the child are to blame. The child picks who that are friends with. Parents should try when they are with the child to let them know right from wrong, but also when some kids are with friends they act diff. then and home, but NO TV shouldn't be blamed. Parents should also know every thing they do the kids are seeing it so they are learning what their parents do.
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