I subscribed to kids National Geographic magazine but he didn't like it I had to cancel. He prefers Nikolodeon mags which he's not going to get.
What are the tips to make him improve his reading comprehension?
I've tried rewarding him for reading but he is still not motivated. When its reading time, everything hurts (his head hurts, his stomach hurts...all are just made up) and he's sleepy. But once I turn on the TV just to test him, he perks up!
What are the ways I can make him like to read?
HELP! (PS: pls do not suggest that sylvan learning center bec that is expensive.)How do you make your child get interested in reading?
I don't have any children, but I am the oldest of four and helped out with a LOT of cousins. The fact that he shows interest in Nick magazine is promising. Right now, all you are trying to do is encourage and instill an interest in reading. In the beginning, WHAT they read isn't always as important as THAT he reads.
I remember reading Nick Mags, so I can't say that I understand you denying him those. Sometimes they suggest other reads for their readers and that is someone arguing your case for you without you even saying anything. If there is anything at all that peaks his interest, run with it! (Within reason, of course.) Because, right now it sounds like you almost have a lost cause on your hands without the Nickelodeon Magazines. If he actually reads one (this is theory, I know you said you don't want to give it to him.), then, ask him about what he read, quiz him on it even(You'll have to read it for yourself)! As you do that, reward him for the right type of behavior and then you can go from there.
If you have any younger children, my advice to you is to start them at the same time as your 9-yr-old, because the earlier they start, the better; the more addicted to reading they become.
Do you read every day? Does he see you reading for pleasure every day? Does he see you read the newspaper every day? Does he see you read both fiction and non-fiction? If you can't answer yes to all these questions, how can you expect him to see reading as a pleasure instead of a chore? The only way you can teach a child is by example. Set aside a time when everyone in the family sits down and reads. He can be given the choice of either reading or watching you read. No TV, no phone, no other distractions. Don't give in or give up. Just keep reading until he caves. Oh, and don't discount the Nickelodeon magazines. If that's all he'll read, let him. Reading is reading. Let him think he's won this battle while you concentrate on winning the war.How do you make your child get interested in reading?
Why won't you let him read the Nickelodian magazine? At this point, with so much frustration and hatred towards reading, I'd let him read what interests him. You can still turn Nickelodian magazine articles into learning experiences, even if it's as simple as asking him questions about what he's read or asking him to list 5 interesting things he learned from his reading. Let him make connections to things he enjoys in real life.
I'd also like to suggest a website that the two of you should look into. It's called Guys Read, and it's created by children's literature authors who recognize the lack of interet boys have in reading. They offer great lists of books at various reading levels that, well, guys read. Two books that my most reluctant readers really like (so much so that they were stolen from my classroom library) are, The Day My Butt Went Psycho and Just Stupid. The titles aren't parent friendly, but for a 9 year old boy, they're perfect.
If there are any authors coming to speak in your area, take him to one in which the author is a male. I was amazed at the amount of inspiration one of my students received last year through listening to Christopher Paul Curtis speak. He saw an educated, talented, successful African American male talk about how great reading and writing is. Find something equally inspirational for your son.
As for MAKING a person like to read- it simply can't be done. You can only provide opportunities for them to latch onto good books.How do you make your child get interested in reading?
Read to him everyday and everytime he does read, congrulate him. Also you have to give him confidence. I have a kid who hates math and when i talked to his teacher he said that somewhere along his academic career, something happened and I remember in 4th grade when his testing results on math was low so i scolded him. Now he dislikes math, but after talks, and giving hum confidence, he is much better.
I experienced this same dilemma this summer and this is what we did:
First, I discussed with him areas of interest. We decided that he was really interested in mummys and egyptian architecture - primarily the pyramids (he will be a 7th grader).
I went to the library and found all the books that I could find on egypt and mummys and tombs in the children's section. I went online and checked the discovery channel to see when they might be airing a special on anything even closely related. Fortunately, there were several programs that tied very nicely to this study.
We watched the program FIRST. Then, I introduced the reading and read with him (in small sections) specific areas that tied directly to the programs. I then created questions about the subject to check his comprehension. To reinforce this even more, I created a project for him where we made pyramids out of sugar cubes.
Not only did I stimulate his visual, and audio learning but his kinesthetic as well.
He loved this way of study so much that he asked when we could do it again. So....we are now identifying areas related to weather that we can explore. We are going to branch over into the weather channel and plotting weather patterns on the NASA weather site.
Reading can be fun. You just have to help them relate it back to real world and make it a team project.
Was this hard work? Yes, But well worth it.
i cant reallysay i have THE answer but il suggest...
maybe buy books of tv programmes he likes or films,,
or i know when i was younger i used to like them books where you read along with te tape, or nowadays cd,,, .x
Take him to the library and let him pick out books/magazines he's interested in. Pushing a subject on him will not get your desired result. The more he reads, the more his reading comprehension will improve. Have him read the newspaper, even the Sports page. Turn off the t.v. and take away the PlayStation for a short while.
Also, do a search on the net of "Whole Language".
Don't let him make excuses. Read to him, and let him see you reading.
Why WIll you not get him Nickolodeon Magazine? It is great and helps alot with reading! Also Look into hightlights magazine it has Fun games but some reading mixed in!
well, my 11 y/o was the same way, so I asked him about the things he liked the most. Of course, he said halo (because my oldest son has it), its a video game. So, we looked online and found some novels, and he is reading them the best he can, because he likes them.
Just try to find out what your kid really loves, and find a novel suited for his level, and give it to him.
When you talk to him about what he likes (you probably already know fo course), dont give a hint about reading.
It sounds so silly, but there have been studies done and I did it with some of my students and it worked really well...do you have a dog or have a friend who has one that is somewhat calm and great with kids? Have the dog and your son sit down and have your son read to the dog. The dog will usually react by tilting its head and watching the child and DOGS DON'T JUDGE!!! They just enjoy the attention and the soothing sounds of being read to...and your child gets practice reading and there is NO PRESSURE because the dog can't interrupt and tell him he's doing it wrong. There are programs like this all over the country starting and its really helping young students to learn to read at a higher level, plus they just enjoy it. Just be sure you get a dog that isn't going to want to play the whole time :) Good luck!
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