Friday, January 27, 2012

Why are you breastfeeding women always ready to sue if a proprietor or a client complains about your actions?

I own my own home. If I wanted to put a poster out side that said no breastfeeding on my property, I could legally do so. Why are you all always ready to go to war over milk? Why don't you just feed your baby discreetly and get on with life. It's not that serious. Really. Why do you all wish to be handled with kid gloves like you are so special? When I was nursing mine, no one ever kicked me out of anywhere, know why? I USED A SHAWL OR A BLANKET!!!! Ding Ding!! As a breastfeeding mother, I can assure you, no one, other than perverts, wants to see your breasts. Really. What do you do, just whip 'em out and do what you do? No wonder people are offended. As a fellow breastfeeder, I'd be offended too. This is not a National Geographic special when you enter an establishment. Respect yourself and others while feeding your baby. What's so hard about that?Why are you breastfeeding women always ready to sue if a proprietor or a client complains about your actions?
The problem is are ppl are sue happy. Everyone is looking for a free ride. And they get one because they choose to be ignorant and petty about feeding a child. You should have something to cover you up when you breast feed for the sense of dignity but some ppl don't. Ppl don't respect anything so there is no point preaching to ppl, they just don't get it.
You have personal problems. Seriously!

Do not feel bad if you could not breatfeed your baby.Why are you breastfeeding women always ready to sue if a proprietor or a client complains about your actions?
What makes you think that some moms aren't being discreet and still getting harassed? Just recently, a breastfeeding mom went into a local target in a closed Fitting room and they banged on the door and told her to get out, that that wasn't allowed. As a breastfeeding mom, when I use a shawl and a jacket to make sure everything is covered, people still comment on the appropriateness of it. I have another child, so do people want me to take my yound child and baby in the stall instead of being discreet in the corner. Its sickenining the looks and comments that people give you for being so natural. I could see if I had let even some skin to show, but please don't chastise women who are trying to do their best.Why are you breastfeeding women always ready to sue if a proprietor or a client complains about your actions? it discreetly, and now one will bother you. Did it myself in many public places.
According to all of your previous questions you are a little bitter about breastfeeding. Let me guess did you have trouble? GET OVER IT! Why are you wasting your time on other people have you been hurt in someway because another mother complained about breastfeeding? I DONT THINK SO. OH I got it your husband saw another women's breast and now you are the all mighty that gets to rant about breastfeeding.
The problem is pretty much that women get chastised for it even when they are doing it discreetly.


After the last comment by poster:

Wow, way to turn the other cheek. Maturity at its peak!
I breastfed my daughter and didn't have any problems. I used to do it in public, in restaurants, in the middle of the airport... but like you, I used a blanket or a large shirt to cover myself. I liked having the ability to breastfeed in public, but I also respected the rights of everyone else who didn't want to watch me! But just like everything else, there are always going to be people who take things a step too far, beyond the rational... whether its the shop clerk who sees it and automatically says no, even if its discreet, or the breastfeeding mother who has no sense of modesty or respect for other people's feelings.

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