The harder you try to convince her, the more likely they are to strengthen their beliefs....I'm not sure why this is true, but I have observed it often....Just attempt to gain real incite into who she is, Christianity and all....
I hope she doesn't give up on youWhat do I do about my Christian sister?
Well, if you want the communication to stay open, you should have a conversation with each other on agreeing to disagree, (if you have not already done so). If not, then she does not value you as a sibling, or as a friend.What do I do about my Christian sister?
you must accept her as she is.
If you found out that she had schizophrenia instead, you'd give her the benefit of the doubt.
Just explain her unfortunate situation to the rest of your family and do the best you can.
I know how frustrated you must be, but if you value having her in your life, try to let it go. Try telling her firmly that you have no interest in converting, but you do want to be a part of her life.
I hope that helps!
um....isnt she the one brainwashing her kids by not letting them devlop their own opinions about things? tell her you do not want to change your religion and that it does not affect HER if you are different. good luck
just avoid the topic if she insists on bringing it up then yeah i don't see how you could continue your friendship
Have a talk with your sister, get to terms where you guys can be mutualy accepting of each other.
Kindly tell her, that you are quite happy with where you are in life thank you, and that you love being reunited with her, however to please keep her personal religious experiences to herself and you will refrain from trying to "corrupt" her children.
You have to decide; your sanity or a relationship with your sister!
I stopped seeing my sister years ago because my sanity was more important. She now e mails me religion and chain letters. Delete, delete, delete.
to hell with her if she dosnt accept you as the way you are that is a lifestyle and she cannot change that you are the only one who can do that. My girlfriend is Wiccan and i am christain we have religion fights but we get over it...
She means well of course, but have you told her how it makes you feel? Talk it out so you can continue to have a relationship.
I don't understand why she would reject National Geographic.
shes kind of pushing it on hard, if you dont feel comfterable with that its ok, a lot of people dont, if you really are thinking about converting dont do it because of pressure. ;)
Why dont you open your mind and listen to her point of view and try to understand why she believes instead of just making up your mind on the subject, You are not going to change her, but you can at least try to understand her
Repent, and believe the Gospel.
She is brainwashed. Actually, you should let her have her own life, but she should respect your life as well - and respect of others is not a trait of conservative Christians. Sorry.
It doesn't matter what you say or think . Your sister is going to be what she is. So, you have to accept that and forget about it. On the other hand, you have to let her know in no uncertain terms that her lifestyle cannot be yours. And that she is starting to alienate you and that is the last thing you want. So, be honest with her and maybe your friendship can continue.
You will need to talk to her and explain that you love her but the subject of religion is going to be off limits. However it may be too hard for her to keep this pact. You will have to repeatedly tell her you care but that you do not want to talk about religion
Just keep trying, eventually she'll realize that she cant change you and that you don't want to change her. I'm Pagan and my mother is Christian, though she doesn't agree with my beliefs we still have learned to agree to disagree. I just stood my ground but showed her I wouldn't give up on our relationship. I wish y'all much luck, don't give up on y'alls relationship I truly believe it will get better if for you. Blessed be.
Well, I'm a Christian..I'm not sure what you mean by "All the fanaticism" that comes with being a born again Christian. I think that you are right, in her being close-minded with the stuff about evolution, just because it's helpful to know what it's about. I'm not an evolutionist, and don't think it's right, but I do like National Geographic magazines, and they talk a lot about other stuff as well. You should talk to her, personally, and help her understand your intent behind it all. -Also-, I think that you should look at yourself. You see that it's your sister and all, but it almost seems like you have this prejudice against Christians...maybe it's a justified prejudice, based on your past or something, but not all Christians are the same. I should look at her and think, "Alright, if she's -THIS- fanatical about Jesus, and she lives her life like this -SO- strongly..maybe there is something more to it that I have overlooked?" I understand that past experiences with Christians sometimes really veers you away from it, but I don't think it would be wise on your part to give up on Christianity, nor your sister. I mean this in the best of ways, and sorry if I worded anything wrong, God bless! :)
I feel for you, as there is nothing you can do but grim and bear it, or walk away.
I converted to Judaism from Christianity, and for the rest of their lives my parents were at me-showing me churches I could start going to, telling me how I was going to hell if I didn't come back to the church, how I did not honor them as the Bible said I should because I would not come back to the Church, etc.,. It made life miserable for all of us for 35 years. I still have very bad emotions about it.
You will never change her mind.
If you love your sister, can you give up on her?
Don't give up on her.
It was really nice to get her a thoughtful gift, but I understand the reason she wouldn't want it. I feel the same way about evolution. It bugs me to go to museums where they say the earth is millions of years old etc...Or read in publications "facts" that are not substantiated.
Anyway I hope you keep in touch with her. Let her know that you understand that it is because she cares about you that she tells you about salvation. Ask her to agree to disagree. Let her know that you don't mind if she prays for you. (If you don't mind).
Hope things get better and you keep in touch with her. I imagine if you are kind to her and let her know how you feel she will understand.
I know with my unsaved family members all I can do is love them and pray for them and hope that they will seek the truth of God's Word in their lives. I as a Christian am compelled to do so, because I really believe this stuff! I have studied the bible for many years now and know that because of irrefutable evidence that it is truth.
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