Read all of this first before you judge me, okay?
Yes I am a huge Twilight fan. But, this question has absolute no relation to it what so ever. I've actually wondered if I was a vampire my entire life. When I was about 10 years old, I had a friend who's father lived to study Vampires; they facinated him. Whenever I used to go to her house, he'd always stare at me strange and ask me ODD questions like Where did your family come from? and Do you like the taste of human blood? Of course back then, I thought vampires were scary, so I never gave them much thought. I just went on through life as a happy child.
Sometimes I wonder if I am adopted. I look nothing like ANY of my family members. For starters, my skin is extremely pale white and cold. Even in the hottest time of the year, my skin (especially my hands) were cold as ice. Kids used to tease me because I was the palest in the entire class, and they all called me Ghost or Mayonaise....%26gt;.%26lt; None of my family members are pale. They're all tan, and always HAVE been tan.
I have very red lips. Not pinkish red, but cherry red. I don't see many people with lips that red.
Around my pupil, there's another faint color. A goldish hazel kind of color. No one else in my family has hazel eyes. They all have blue.
I'm incredibly strong--and fast. In early Middle school, I used to beat all the kids when we ran the mile around the track. I finished before everyone and I never slowed down, or stopped to catch my breath because I didn't NEED too. Even when I had finished the mile, I didn't drink or gasp for air, it seriously felt like I had walked the mile; not ran it. I can also lift things, heavy things, clear above my head. Which explains my semi-big muscles. =/
I have 4 sharp teeth. Two on the top, two on the bottom. They aren't very long, kinda short actually but they're still extremely sharp. When I was small, I used to bite people when I was angry or didn't want to do something. My mom told me that when I was five, I bit her so hard that she started bleeding, and she told me it left a bruise with teeth marks in it.
I always know when someone is staring at me. I just get this...vibe. A vibe that tells me That girl over there is staring at you...look up! And each time I look up, it turns out the person is staring at me. Even when my back is facing them, I can still sense they're looking at me.
I've tasted blood before and it didn't taste like anything! Nothing at all! People always told me it tasted like rust or metal, but I can never taste anything.
I can stay up all night. I love the dark.
I absolutely /hate/ the sunlight. Everytime I have to go out in it, I wear a jacket or put sunglasses on. Everytime sun touches me, I start burning and I can barely see anything, so I head for the shadows fast.
I'm never hungry.
I don't know if this is something important, but I can hear nearly everything. I can even hear a paperclip drop.
Now, I know what you're going to say STOP READING TWILIGHT! THERE ARE NO VAMPIRES, DUMBASS! Well, you may say that but does it mean it's true? Not exactly. I have seen National Geographic specials on real vampires. They were very scary looking, and they said they only fed on humans who were willing to give them their blood. I'm so tired of people thinking that every single thing you hear about Vampires has to relate to Twilight somehow.
If someone else on here said I think I'm a vampire they'd get tons of responses all saying things like 'Time to put down Twilight!' and 'You've been reading too much.' Well how about someone says something like 'I Think Im Falling In Love With A Bad Kid?' would everyone swarm them and say things like Stop reading A Walk To Remember? or something like that?? No. So why does every last thing about vampires have to deal with TWILIGHT?
I think Im a PSI vampire, or an Energy vampire. Ones that can literally suck the energy out of people. Sometimes I'll be talking to my friends and they'll be bouncy and hyper, and when they look at me for a little while, they start saying I'm so tired, Im gonna go home and sleep. and God I feel like crap now.
If you're going to say that vampires aren't real, or to stop reading Twilight then don't answer. I dont give a damn what you say. PSI vampires don't drink blood either so you can't say that I could not live on blood.|||no you are not one. ugh, burn that book
people need to understand...vampires are dead.|||No, you are not a vampire. You sound quite normal to me however I think you have read too much Twilight.|||Sounds like you might be albino...|||I'm laughing out loud, emphasis on the loud.|||If you dont mind I need to chop your head off? or stake you? or shoot you with silver bullets?
if you're Jewish vampire,I need to bring Star of David? or a swastika?|||The golden color in your eyes is natural - Either a reflection of light or you have amber highlights in your eyes.
Those sharp teeth? Short? They're called incisors! Also called "canine teeth", incisor teeth are used for ripping and slicing foods.
Your friends getting tired? That's natural. They were hyper at first, but get tired after talking awhile.
"real vampires" exist. Many of them are Satanists, others just have a disorder or an addiction to the taste of blood. Eating too much blood will give you an overdose on Iron. The result? Illness or death.
You love the dark? Awesome! Many consider the dark to be their "safehouse", an area where they can sit unseen and rest. That's why people sleep with the lights off.
It's very good you're so strong. Some are weak, some strong.
The pale skin? Easy. You have a small amount of melanin in your skin. That would also explain why you don't tan easily, I have the same thing. That could also explain the eye color.
Red lips are natural, too. It could be because the color in your lips is contrasting with your skin, or maybe you have naturally dark lips. I have dark red lips, and I'm a guy.
If you can hear lots of things easily, perhaps you just have sensitive ears. I used to be the same when I was like, 5, but with most of my sensitivities, that went away.
If you're never hungry, you should see a doctor. It could be a thyroid problem, or maybe you just drink alot.
Oh, and if you say you "need energy to live", that's called the human need for social interaction! It's God's way of saying, "Get out and make friends".
And the creepy dude asking you if you like the taste of blood? He's either a pervert, pedophile, Satanist, or has mental problems.
Not liking sunlight? Well, that means - Yes - you are sensitive to sunlight. Your eyes naturally burn when exposed openly to sunlight :) Same with your skin, especially if it's pale, as you said.
I know you didn't want me to say this, but... I think you should talk it out with someone. Vampires aren't the romantic, glittery beings as portrayed in Twilight, they are vicious, demonic creatures that feed on blood. They are also fictional. The idea comes from vampire bats, bats that feed off the blood of cattle.
I hope you find a therapist that solves your problems!|||firs twilight ruined vampires and made them into sparkly gay things and second you do sound different but may be look at answers above|||Here is a Vampire test:
1. Did YOU type this question?
2. Do you have wings?
3. Do you look like the face on the link below?
If you answer No to any one of these questions then you are not a vampire.|||No, you are not a vampire. Those 4 sharp teeth,, yeah,, they are called you're incisors. Holy ****! i have them too!!!|||Have you considered therapy? This really doers seem like the ramblings of someone who is deeply disturbed about something in their personal life|||i think you have a wild imagination for one and maybe should right a book. Also you might be anemic. i don't think vampires go out much in the day light so i don't see how you can make it going to school and doing stuff out side. just get someone to put a rope you garlic around your neck and see if you get sick. is your bed shaped like a coffin? also ask your parents if you are adopted and if so ask them if you are from Transylvania. I don't think you are a vampire sense they don't exist but i do think you have a big Imagination and should use it for something good it might pay off.|||"Psi vampires"
The term “psychic” or “energy vampire” simply means a person whose behavior is mentally tiring to others around them. It does not imply that a person can deliberately drain energy from another person to “resupply” their own.
Any scientist will tell you that there is no way one human body can leech energy from another over any distance. Even static electricity can only jump a distance of millimeters between bodies.
There are no real “psychic vampires”. It is nothing more than a self-induced, self-perpetuating delusion, and is classified as a delusion of grandeur, with overtones of the victim or martyr.
“Psychic vampires” cannot drain anyone of anything – it is a autonomic response triggered by a biofeedback mechanism. They truly believe that they can do this, and believe it so strongly, that their bodies release a wave of adrenaline and endorphins, resulting in the “feel good high” they claim to feel, and the adrenaline boost is responsible for the physical “augmentation” of strength and speed some report.
As with any high, they eventually come down, resulting in a period of feeling tired, sluggish, etc. until the next time they “feed” – which is a delusion, but their bodies release the endorphins anyway. Not understanding the actual way their bodies work, these people rationalize that they are therefore “psychic vampires” in order to feed their egos and bolster their sense of confidence and self-worth. They claim this “awakening” happens during puberty, and that they spontaneously develop a “lack of energy”. Funny how that coincides with teen angst, rebellion, searching for self, etc. and all the phases of the developing Id and Ego.
As for their “donors”, once again the response these people report to a “feeding” is in line with a sympathetic response brought on by their delusion that they have been “fed upon”. A good analogy here is how some husbands report sympathetic labor pains when their wife is about to deliver. It is real to them, but the source is in their own bodies – not because they are empathetically “transferring” some of their wife’s pain to themselves.
I encountered a self-professed “psychic vampire” in the hospital during my clinicals. He had wrecked an ATV, and his leg was broken in multiple places. He claimed he was “taking energy” from everyone around him in order to heal faster, and that when I got home I would probably be “really tired”. I went home after eight hours, went out and did 7 miles on my kayak, and bicycled 6. Slept normally, and woke up well rested. As for him, he attempted soon thereafter to get up and go to the restroom by himself because he was “healed” well enough. The idiot rebroke his femur as soon as he put weight on it. He eventually did make it home, but friends of mine on that floor said it took him longer to heal than normal.
The human body only generates three quantifiable forms of energy:
1. Neurological (electrical brain and nerve signals) which travels along nervous pathways insulated in deep tissue. If this is the energy “psi” vamps claim to use, then their “victims” would collapse in a manner similiar to a neurological stroke as the electrical pulses were drained. In all likelihood they would die, because these signals also control autonomic responses such as the breathing reflex and your heartbeat. If this is the energy they claim to need, why not just carry around a few D-cell batteries? Which wouldn’t work anyway – the body is not a battery that stores electrical energy in that sense.
2. Electromagnetic, generated in tandem with your neurological output. Every living thing has an EM field. The idea that you could “drain” or feed from it is ridiculous. All EM fields are in constant flux. So-called “psi” vampires point to Kirlian photography, which is EM sensitive, as proof that draining can occur. All EM fields interact and are in constant change. Regardless of what anyone tells you, Kirlian cannot provide scientific, empirical data. If this is the energy they need, it would be easier to carry around several magnets, as their fields will overlap yours and strengthen it.
3. Caloric, or heat energy. If this energy is what the vampires need, then a draining would leave you cold and shivering, and probably hypothermic and hypoglycemic. If this is the energy they need, it would be much simpler to eat a sandwich and put on a sweater.|||Well do you like blood sausaged? Korean sundae?
But a diet of human blood would give you an overdose of iron. How is that good?
You know, symbolically or oficially by the law you can be everything. A vampire, holy, revered, knight, Rosie O'Donnell. But scientifically there's no vampire DNA. There's no genes that would make you a subspecie of homo sapiens with vampire characteristics.
And if you think you're the only one with reddish lips, then you haven't seen Justin Bieber in that music video where he looks like he's wearing lipstick.|||NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Many people get stuff like pale skin. Vampires arent real, theyyre a myth, like the boogeyman or a minator. Yes vampires are supposwed to drink blood, they do it in Twishite. Anyway, there were thousands of vampire books before twilight so it cant be right because it was not the first.|||I don't know if you are a vampire, but I believe your story. My skin is so white that people stare and make comments very frequently. I really hate the sun because, just walking from the car to a grocery store, my skin feels like thousands of needles are piercing me. My sister feels the same thing (but her skin's not as white); She Loves to swim but can only do so at night. My mother has huge, nasty scars on her arms from years of "sun sores". They are both blonde/blue eyes (Like most of my large family-none of the others experience this). I have red/blonde hair and green eyes with gold flecks. I am the most affected. We are definitely not albinos. We also have Extremely sparse body hair, except for the head. I always had trouble with high-pitched sounds. I could locate any secret safe in a department store just by following the sound. Of course I would tell the clerks, "There's a safe under this counter exactly Here...a nice party trick that my friends requested regularly. But it was very painful and their were parts of stores that I could not stay in.In college my hearing was tested professionally and the audiologist was shocked; She said that I heard like an animal. I also had over-developed muscles and ran as you described. I loved to challenge big guys to arm wrestle, and I rarely lost. Yet, I was small, 5' and 100-110 pounds. I've been sedentary for 5 years, aged, lost tone, and now have Fat biceps-eew. My natural sleep schedule is to be awake all night and fall asleep at dawn. A lot of people are like this, but it's just one more thing on my list. My ancestors were Highlanders from the Hebrides, so I wonder if these far northern genes have passed a sun sensitivity to me. I definitely!!!! believe in PSI vampires, and you do sound like one.That must be difficult. Take care. You are a mystery indeed! I wish we could talk.|||if you believe anything is possible|||hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah… wow superbo u are really a good story maker or copy maker ;p this is all like edward cullen
and yes you soundz like a vampire. i would recommend you to have blood tests
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