I've always found it odd that my whole family is tan...and Im ghost white. My skin is so PALE it's nasty. My mom isn't pale at all, and neither is my dad. They never were, and neither were my grandparents. Like I said, they're ALL tan.
My eyes change colors quite frequently. But I've noticed also that around the pupil, there is a ring of another color. A weird color I don't recognize.
My lips are cherry red. Always cherry red.
I know that THIS will sound stupid, but on my hand, I have an extremely long life line. It's so long, it runs from the corner of my hand, all the way to nearly my wrist. My grandfather always told me "That means you'll live pratically forever."
I absolutely hate the sun. Everytime we have to walk outside at school, I put my jacket on and put my hood over my head. And I'm always wearing sunglasses--even if there's only a little ray of light out.
I have very sharp teeth. Two in the front are pointy. I used to bite my mom when I was little. She said one time, I bit her so hard that she bled and it left a huge bruise with teeth marks in it.
I'm very strong AND very fast. I can outrun pretty much anyone in the whole grade. When we run track, I'm usually the first to finish.
I seem to know whenever someone is staring at me. Something in my senses just tells me "That girl over there is staring at you. Look." So when I whip my head around, turns out the person IS glaring at me. Even if I'm looking away in the other direction, with my back facing them, I always know when a person is looking at me. And I always catch them.
I never eat at lunch. I'm never hungry.
I love the night time. I can stay up all night and never ever get tired.
Today, I got a papercut when I was flipping the pages in a History book. My finger started bleeding and for some odd reason, my left hand started twitching, and my fingers ached. I didn't have anything to wipe the blood off with, so I just put my finger in my mouth. Usually when a regular person tastes blood, they go "Eww! Nasty!" To me, it tasted...GOOD. I thought I was a freak, because blood didn't taste weird to me! It didn't taste like rust or anything bad. It tasted somewhat sweet. But after I tasted it, my head started pounding and my hand started twitching again.
I know you're probably thinking "What the hell?! You are NOT a vampire. Just weird. Vampire's aren't real! STOP READING TWILIGHT, YOU DUMBASS!"
Vampires, are in fact real. I saw a special on real vampires on National Geographic. Yeah, I like Twilight. I think they're interesting books. But Im no where near obsessed with vampires and such. Ever since I was about 10, kids have always asked me if I was a vampire. Even one day my mom said "God, I think I have a vampire child." I looked on a Vampire website and I had a LOT of the signs listed for real vampires and got a little freaked.|||1. There are no real vampires. Cut and paste time, as it is too much work to type this out over and over so here goes. A brief discussion of the human digestive system and then the probable vampire population given an exponential growth rate should explain why vampires are not possible.
2. Vampires do not exist. Period. The human body is not designed to process large amounts of blood for nutrition. There is not enough protein, carbohydrates, and fats present in blood to maintain a complex creature such as Homo Sapiens or any theorized offshoot mutations. When a human ingests food it is first broken up by chewing, then churned up in the stomach with digestive juices to form a bolus called chyme. It then passes into the small intestine where it mixes with bile salts which continue breaking it down on a molecular basis, mostly affecting fats at this point. The broken down nutrients pass through the wall of the intestines and into the bloodstream where they are carried to each cell or stored for later use. Indigestible bulk continues through the intestines, turning a dark brown from the bile. Water is absorbed from this mass in the large intestine depending on the needs of the body - a well-hydrated person will usually have a softer stool than a dehydrated person will. Water also enters the bloodstream, and this is what helps to maintain blood pressure. The pressure tends to balance itself in a healthy person because the bloodstream goes through a formation in the kidney called the Loop of Henle, where the narrowing blood vessel forces excess water and cellular waste such as urea out through the cellular wall into the kidneys, where it is excreted through the ureters into the bladder, and then out of the body via the urethral passageway.
3. IMPORTANT - A person physically unable to process his own food for nutrition therefore also could not process blood - it's the same process. Ingested blood does not transmit directly to the veins anyway - it would be chemically broken down by the digestive system.
4. Theoretical ingestion of blood to supply these nutrients would therefore have to occur at least once a day, and would require the ingestion of the entire blood supply which could not happen as the stomach is far too small to hold that much liquid volume. Furthermore, such a mass would be difficult to pass thru the intestines as it has no fibrous bulk, would create an intestinal impaction, causing massive vomiting from the large concentration of iron present, and any "real" vampire would have to eventually expel the waste, which would come out as a black, tarry, smelly goo.
5. These humans that affect the whole "vampiric lifestyle" are NOT vampires. They are simply humans playing their own little game, in their own little fantasy world, usually pandering to their own little sexual fetish, which may or may not actually be sexual. I too, play my own little game, in the SCA, but mine is a game where the deeds that I do are determined by the strength of my arm and sword - I am a warrior, with just as much skill and ability as any warrior of ancient times. The difference is that I am claiming to be something physically possible: a warrior, and I prove it everytime I strap on my armor and walk onto a SCA battlefield. The so-called "vampires" are claiming to be something physically impossible: a walking corpse, and all they prove is that black Victorian clothing, a pair of false fangs, and a little makeup make for a good Halloween costume - it does not make you a vampire.
6. Even if a vampire feeds once a week, and his victim also becomes a vampire, that is exponential growth, with four iterations a month. First iteration: One makes one, total two. Second iteration: Two make two, total four. Third iteration: Four make four, total eight. Fourth iteration: Eight make eight, total sixteen. 16 vampires at the end of one month, 256 at the end of the second month, 4096 by the end of the third month, 65,536 by the end of the fourth month, 1,048,476 at the end of the fifth, and 33,572,832 vampires at the end of half a year! By way of comparison, there are currently approximately 33 million people who have HIV/AIDS in the U.S. alone, and the disease is a world-wide epidemic. I see people every day in the hospital with AIDS, but never has there been one documented case of a vampire attack. Do the math - vampires are a mathematical impossibility. As for the idea that vampires existed "a long time ago" consider the estimated global population 5,000 years ago - using the above mathematical rationale, a single vampire could have taken over and converted every human on the globe in less than ten years. This falls therefore, under the logic of Occam's Razor - which states that when you have removed every impossible answer, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. Since there is no "vampiric plague" swarming the earth, the logical deduction is that they don't exist.
7. Point of clarification about "vampire" bats: vampire is simply the name we have given them because they do drink blood, same as a flea, mosquito, or spider. Are these creatures vampires? No. They are living creatures, not legendary monsters. Drinking blood does not make you a vampire anymore than eating raw meat makes you a werewolf, although it might make you a mosquito.
8.The humans who profess to be vampires are victims of an all-encompassing self induced delusion. They are as human as you or I, regardless of their claims, and if they ingest HIV tainted blood they can most certainly contract the disease, esp. if they have any cuts, sores, or lesions in and or around their mouth. It is a very dangerous delusion to be laboring under. Note that there is absolutely no scientific or medical proof that these people derive any benefit at all from the ingestion of blood, and even worse are the so-called "psychic" vampires, because their delusion is one that they cannot substantiate with any concrete evidence at all. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence of "psychic vampirism", and anyone trying to quote you "facts and figures" about it is lying through their teeth.
9. There is no "vampire" gene - you cannot be "born" a vampire. This would insinuate unbroken bloodlines going back thousands of years, with pre-arranged marraiges to keep the "gene" from spreading. When a woman goes to the hospital for prenatal care there are many tests done on mother and child, even while still in the womb, to check for many things, including genetic anomalies that result in deformities and birth defects. If such a gene existed, in today's world with today's technology it would have been found - we have already completely mapped the human chromosome strand. It would also have to follow Mendel's law of dominant/recessive gene theory. Again, the odds on that many "vampires" all escaping the notice of the medical/scientific community are so low as to be almost nonexistent.|||Gawwsh some people can be such loserzzz.. yeah right your not a twilight girl.. dumbby your user name is rosaline hale.. it just proves you love twilight.. stop making up things ok,, your not a vamp loser... (this message is meant for the user rosaline hale if i accidently send it to you LordBearcla
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|||Gawwsh some people can be such loserzzz.. yeah right your not a twilight girl.. dumbby your user name is rosaline hale.. it just proves you love twilight.. stop making up things ok,, your not a vamp loser... (this message is meant for the user rosaline hale if i accidently send it to you LordBearcla
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what a tool.
"I'm a vampire"
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|||No. Definitely not. Time to stop reading Twilight.|||Go to your local blood bank and if you suddenly get real hungry you are a vampire. So how do your parents feel when you sleep in a coffin?|||i'm sorry there are no vampires only coincidences.|||lol that's hilarious~!! i love it! maybe yu are one. that would be awesome. i love paramore %26amp;nd twilight!!!!|||sure ur 1|||i'd like to believe there are vampires..
maybe you are|||I think you are a vampire...like me.I am 14 years old and i would love to talk to someone like me.If you can e-mail me or add me on msn:maddieroxyworld@hotmail.com|||First off, just on your description. Lol. Sorry a real vampyre doesnt nessary have to be pale. I am but i am an eupropean mutt. XD all of europe is in me. But i mostly have germany, romania, and scotland. And i have some of the americas in me. (meaning native american like 3 tribes) And most of my family goes into the native american side. While i am pale and dont tan and dont burn, they are either tanned or easily tan. You dont have to have sharp teeth, i dont -well maybe like 2 are sharp- but i am also have chipped teeth soooo that might be it too. XD Vampyres dont have too much trouble with the sun. But eh... i kinda do. I have to wear sunglasses every day, it really hurts my eyes, my friends said they can turn red from irration. It came around when i was in 7th grade. Puberty when some vampyres have their 'awakening' (they dont realize or show signs until a point when it clicks or shows... aka awakening) Vampyres have no super abilites so running fast or ect wont really qaulify. I am a psychic vampyre i might ahs well say, and i am one of the slowest. *i actually recently was digosed with asthma* naturally people have sense about people looking at them. I always get the sense of someone talking about me though.
XD but i am psychic or sorta...my power sucks terribly. But whenever someone talks about me -and actually uses my name not someone from the internet going Oh Yuki said this- i hear their voice saying to me "Becky" and it can get real creepy, its why i thought my school was haunted back in jr high. (not to mention we had a ghost story of the school)
The night thing, again really doesnt qaulify either BUT i can do that too. XD
Also vampyres are mortal, they dont have extremely long lives chance than any one else. And not hungry.....yeah... again nothing to do with vampyre.
Also vampyres do not really taste blood. 99% (not exact but when are %s really exact?) of us are psychic vampyres aka we take your energy or emotions. *im the emotions* and usually thats where posers are found. NOT saying you are one, but its usually how its found, SOME actually do take blood. But like less than 10%. We go under the Black Veil, a code of ethics for vampyres and it states you will NOT take from unwilling people, you only take blood/energy/emotions from a willing donor. I will say this to you, DO NOT and i repeat DO NOT trust many sites. Some sound good but about 95% of sites on the web ARE FAKE!
could you be a vampyre? Sure, but the only way for you to find out is by you founding out. No one can tell you, you are a vampyre. Only you can. So i suggest get a journal and write down some things about yourself and things changing. What you are experincing. I did it and i realized i was always energized around lots of people and with few people i wasnt, when someone got pissed i could feel great but when they were bored, i was tired. Any more Qs and concerns and ect. then just message me.
Also people, I AM HUMAN! I HAVE NO SPECIAL ABLITIES! I AM NOT A DEMON OR EVEN FROM HELL (dont even believe in that) I DO HAVE FEELINGS I AM NOT OUT TO GET YOU -i am under the black veil, and one friend is willing to get pissed at me and take the emotion, she is my donor and i love her for that- AND ANY OTHER CRAP LIKE THAT! -sorry people message me too much if i am human or a demon or things like that, it just pisses me off- and might as well say, am i tempted to take peoples emotions? Its why i stare at people so much, when they look at me for more than 5seconds and i stare at them i cant pull my eyes away and wish to have their emotion. Usually the person gets paralyzed and wont move and some times they freak out and move away from me. But i do have self control. Also the whole "does a stake kill me?" Hell yeah, IF I stabbed you in the heart would YOU die? Probably.
And i say vampyre, its kinda like magick and magic. Magic is Tv Show, smoke and mirrors fake stuff. MagicK is real, natural. Vampyre is real, not really super-human. Vampire, kinda like a poser, fake tv show stuff.|||You may not be one of those "Twilight fangirls" but you ARE using fictional criteria to guage whether or not you are a vampire. Sure, there's plenty of sites that will tell you that you will be stronger, paler, nocturnal, etc, etc, etc. But the truth is that all living vampires are human, with the energy deficiency. Liking the taste of blood is more common among humans than you'd think. It's no indicator, either. No immortality, no "fangs", you may be more psychically sensitive than some, but again, no indicator. The best you could say, given all the things that you have mentioned, is that you fit the fictional vampire stereotype. No vampire that I have known is anything other than a (rather uninteresting) normal human type. If you want to enjoy the "persona", then go ahead and play up the fangs, and strength, and sunlight avoidance. Many in the vampire scene do. Not because they have to, but because they WANT to. What this boils down to is that you won't recognize most of the real vampires around you, and if you DO see someone you think you recognize as a vampire, you can be pretty certain they are a life-styler, not a real vampire.|||Hahaa don't feel embarrassed or anything about thinking that.. personally, i think i have a vampire at my school. He's.. different -- and you described alot about him. He always knows when I'm staring at him, and he turns around immediately.
If you ARE a vampire, then you're most likely a psi. They have amazing abilities.. not all of them have them, though. I would reccomend checking out this site: http://sphynxcatvp.nocturna.org/faq/most鈥?/a> and not just that page, it's kind of boring. But the rest of it.. is really interesting. The guy in my grade, well, he sounds ALOT like all of those things.. and he may have some of the abilities [you'll find "symptoms" somewhere on there! huge list!]
Anyway, i would ask myself this, "Do people feel emotionally drained or tired or just.. well, withered when I stare at them?" You could be a psi vampire without even knowing it. Some psi vampires take people's energy without either of them knowing -- and if you lock eyes with someone, try to "dig into their soul" if you can understand that, and you get your energy right then and there!
It's really interesting, honestly. Like, none of my friends believe me anymore -- i talk so much about it! If you want more details and stuff, talk to me about it! Or, share the websites you later find -- honestly, i have a 40-60% feeling that you're a psi vamp.. do more research, and maybe email the people of the link i gave you.. they could give you great advice and help you out. With all luck, Tiffanii. :]|||Very interesting. To me, you basically fill the majority of the criteria of being a vampire. But some things still seem odd to me, but that's probably just me being stupid. I really do believe you could be a full fledged vampire. There is the possibility that the vampire gene has been inserted into you(the vampire gene is found in a vampire bodily fluids, and is usually gotten by drinking or injecting). For now, I can tell you to just go to haemavore.com and look up on all the info there. Then compare and contrast, and see what comes up.
Best of luck.|||For the past three years I found I had a strange connection with vampires..I was very sensitive to light, pale, tired all the time, craved salt( which I thought at times was blood) I got gray hair, and I was depressed a lot. When I got a blood test, the doctor told me I had hypothyroidism, where your thyroid affects your metabolism, turns you pale, makes you sensitive to light, and makes you crave salt b/c your body cannot absorb iodide.
Perhaps there is a metabolic/medical/psychological issue on the side here..You could also be deficient in Iron and that is also very serious as it can lead to anemia.
I would recommend getting a blood test and seeing a doctor-don't tell them you feel like a vampire-tell them the things that make you feel like one. Anyway, if it is just a spiritual feeling, that is okay to have, just make sure it is a healthy and lively path you are following.|||It sounds like very many signs of vampirism. maybe you were born as one, and one of your parents, either mom or dad was actually a vampire but managed to stay pale and the other was just a carrier for the vampire virus and thus you became one. you should mail me. we could talk|||LOL!!!
You sound just like me!
I'm Very pale and my whole family is a very Tan color.
They are mexican and i am too! but you can't even tell that i am! I look like a really white person! LMFAO!
You seem to have the same problems i do! I hear when people are gonna scare me, I feel them staring, I can pick up heavy stuff, and I hear really good! The fast thing not so much, but i've gotten faster!
Plus, I have a twin so it's even creepier to see that there are 2 pale people that look alike! lol
So what i'm basically trying to say is, your not quite a vamp but with those symptoms, it sounds like you are very close to being one. I am but my twin is not. I tend to wonder about the symptoms though.
Tell you what? Message me and tell me more of the symptoms that you have, ok? You sound very interesting and i would really like to know if you are a vamp or not. But Message me whenever you want!
Please and thank you!
:D|||Vampires were made up just like any other mythological creatures such as werewolf's. But who knows with an open mind anything is possible in my opinion.|||Vampires are not real. Every single person who says they do exist, are that they are one, is lying, brainwashed, or delusional. Personally, if I wanted truth, I'd listen to what the Nurse up there said if I were you.|||I don't think you're a vampire. Honestly, you described a lot about me. I don't lift weights, but I'm very strong, I'm not fast in the sense of running, but with fighting I'm extremely fast.
I'm the palest in my family, and the palest most of my friends know of. I have very purple red lips, without lip gloss or any makeup. I have frequent eye color changes and around my pupil it's yellow- kinda weird, but it's normal I'm pretty positive.
Just there aren't many people who carry these traits. And the biting thing, some / most kids go through and I've broken skin before, not hard. My senses are heightended, but I meditate and have very balanced chakras.
I doubt you're a vampire, because if you are, well damn I must be too. :) The sharp teeth are your canine teeth. The sharpness varies in people.
I love the night, and am always up. Some people just have a natural tolerance for it. Nothing to worry about, you're normal, just you have different characteristics. Have a lovely day.
Also, to explain the life line thing. My life line goes past my wrist bracelets. The ones that verify your energy levels throughout the weeks of a month. -Once again, normal, just different.
Edit: Tiiff's answer was interesting.. I was on that website she posted and it seemed interesting. Hmm, maybe my beliefs are shifting? :o For the psi ones at least.
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