Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why do so many ppl point out the negatives of modern rap / mainstream Hip Hop?

Without looking at the artform as a whole and seeing positives

Hip Hop has done things no other genre of music / culture has done in US history---it has given youth of all races %26amp; nationalities an artform they can all participate in , no money down (unlike jazz %26amp; rock which require expensive instruments) etc; where you are judged only by how well you do poetry / freestyle / rap, as well as dance

When it was first started in the 70s, it litterally prevented gang wars %26amp; race wars between youth. Instead of fighting each other, gangs would have bboying or rap battles %26amp; who ever lost paid the winner money

Hip Hop crosses color lines, so in some cases it had made race relations among ppl young Hip Hop fans better. Some big examples are the rapper Eminem , a white guy with only Black friends, and The Jabbawockeez ( a hip hop dance crew made up of Asians, Latinos %26amp; Blacks)

Finally, the level of popularity Hip Hop has in the world today among youth is mind blowing; there is no country on earth that has music, where kids are not listening to rap. Hip Hop was ranked the most popular subculture in the world----japan, France, Australia, Israel etc---for ppl aged 30 %26amp; below of all races %26amp; nationalities by National Geographic MagazineWhy do so many ppl point out the negatives of modern rap / mainstream Hip Hop?
The reason for that is because rappers are stereotyped as gang members, trouble makers, etc. Rapping is for people of all races. I like rap, and I'm Asian. And all you haters- and I quote Eminem- "haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead.
Most of it is negative. Hip Hop does nothing to bring races together. It's just that a diverse race of people listen to it, just as they do with rock music. For some reason, hip hop brag about that because I guess they need to say something positive to cover up the negatives.Why do so many ppl point out the negatives of modern rap / mainstream Hip Hop?
If you really looked at hip hop/rap music back in the 70's to now, you would see a real big difference, with lyrics, the people on the music video etc etc.

Nowadays it's almost as if most of it on tv should be targeted towards over 18's.Why do so many ppl point out the negatives of modern rap / mainstream Hip Hop?
Modern rap is (c)rap. It sucks! Most of it anyway.
"art form" ???? ..... LOL LOL LOL LOL

haven`t you heard ???? ....................... RAP IS CRAP !!

Rap has to be the very WORST unbearable racket ever produced !! There`s nothing "art form" about it .......... unless you`re completely retarded !!!
Mainstream rap %26amp; hip-hop is BULLSHIT.

Underground is where the REAL HIP-HOP is hiding.

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