Thursday, January 26, 2012

Teen magazine subscription help?

Okay- so I am looking for some magazines that teens might be interested in, then maybe I could get a subscription if I really like it.

I already have Seventeen, TeenVogue, and I used to have Cosmo!GIRL. (By the way, whatever happened to it?)

I frequently by the regular gossip magazines (M, Twist, J-14, etc.) But I am looking for something new. I am specifically looking for teen magazines. Here is a list of some that I got off the internet and I am wondering if they are any good:


Teen Magazine

Not a lot I know because I browsed the list and have heard/read many of them.

Also, I am looking for kids magazines too. Here are some:

Discovery Girls

National Geographic for Kids

Time For Kids

Not a lot either.

Any additional magazine titles you can think of would be great! Thanks!Teen magazine subscription help?
I love Teen Vogue.

Not as much as I love ELLEgirl though,


I'm almost 99% sure that ELLEgirl is only a magazine through the internet,

I don't think they mail it or sell subscriptions anymore.

If you know they do,

tell me,

because I want to subscribe again, it's so witty and hilarious.

LOVE it.


I not to aware of many more teen magazines you would like,

the three magazines I subscribe to are Alternative Press (An Alternative Music Magazine), NYLON (a fashion magazine-aimed at the younger generations, I love the clothes in it) and Teen Vogue.

Kids magazines are also kinda scarce,

I always used to love Nickelodeon magazine and the Disney magazine, I don't know if they have them anymore though.

Discovery Girls is good too,

I had a subscription until I was about 14.


I'm not to sure if theyTeen magazine subscription help?
The Options You Currently Have...


1. ELLEgirl

2. Teen Magazine

3. National Geographic for Kids

4. Discovery Girls


1. Time For Kids

Other ideas...

For Teens:

1. Girls' Life

2. American Girl

3. Rolling Stone

4. Vanity Fair

5. People

For Kids:

1. Nickelodeon

2. Sports Illustrated Kids

3. Disney Adventures/Disney Magazine

4. Highlights

WELL GOOD LUCK!!! :)Teen magazine subscription help?
there is a really great teen magazine called Vervegirl : check it out here - it is offered free to high schools...

the sibling magazine to Vervegirl is called B-ZONE - it is also offered free to elementary schools
Cosmo Girl is not in publication anymore. Other good teen mags are Teen Beat, Life Story, J-14, BOP, Twist..........
i dont know if those are good.

teen clothing below


ellegirl is now only in digital publication

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