Thursday, January 19, 2012

What are some good kids' magazines?

I want to order 1-2 kids' magazines for my 6 year old. He can read and I want to continue to encourage him to read, while learning about new things. I have heard of National Geographic for Kids and Sports Illustrated for Kids. Does anyone recommend any others?What are some good kids' magazines?
I love National Geographic for Kids. Sports Illustrated for Kids is also a good idea.

There is also "Time for Kids", and Nick Jr. for Kids, and Your Big Backyard as well as some others. I haven't seen those in person.
criket is a good literary magazing designed for kids, they also make science and history magazines for kids of all ages. Highlights is also good.What are some good kids' magazines?
Well I recommend Chirp magazine it's educational and has lots of kids jokes etc...What are some good kids' magazines?
I have Highlights for my son, and he loves it
We get Highlights and Ranger Rick

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