Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do you let your kids read National Geographic magazine?

I would never allow my children to read that filth.

Do you know they have naked ladies on there?Do you let your kids read National Geographic magazine?
That's not filth, you small-mind creature. That is the attempt to educate minds and make them more knowledgeable about the rest of the world...I pity your children, assuming you find someone else who shares your views and agrees to procreate with you!

I hate to be the one to break it to you...but you were naked when you were born, and your mother was probably naked, too, when she delivered you, except for a sheet draped over her abdomen...shockingly indecent, isn't it?

Still, if you are just funnin'.., I don't know that I have a good comeback....I live near too many fundies, and they get so worked up for real...I go on a tear after 'em every now and then!
haha I've had a NatGeo subscription for ages.

The only time I recall nudity was when there was that piece of amazonian tribes.

But hey, it's speaking the truth, about how they live and that.

It's not put together for material for younguns to get off on.Do you let your kids read National Geographic magazine?
is it right in the middle and is it the issue from National Geographic about Playboy?Do you let your kids read National Geographic magazine?
National Geographic is too expensive....but it is learn from not limit your children's horizons
I'm raising my children to be Evangelical Christians, so I do not allow them to learn anything.
you mean, you're supposed to READ National Geographic?
How else are they going to learn about the Mulubutu Tribes of Upper Kenya?
I know why they're called "bushmen"!

But those naked ladies....mmm leave that basket ON your head baby.
Nope, only Cosmo. Excerpts from erotic fiction stories don't count as porn, right?
Eye Kant reed sew dey shoedn't eeder!
No, Playboy's fine.
What's wrong with nudity? I guess we should have been born with clothes on.
your questions are really gay..
You need to block green guy, he is getting on my last nerve

Good show!
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