Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do you love your job? What do you do?

And how can I do it? College just isn't going to happen for me, I've been trying to make it happen for the past five years and I just can't. I'm not good with people, I hate children, and I hate teaching things, but I am strong and good at taking orders and following directions. I hate jobs where all I do is sit at a desk or just be sedentary. I like hands-on work. Jobs I've done in the past include:

Lifeguard (hated it, just sat around all day and taught brat kids how to swim all morning)

Wildland Firefighter (hated it bc they stuck me on the Engine where I sat around all day waiting for a call instead of the handcrew who got to actually do manual labor)

House Painter (hated it because it was monotonous and not challenging enough)

Restaurant Host (hated it because I had to fake being way social when I have a problem with social skills)

Back Country Ski Patrol (This job is not as cool as it's name, all I did was hang around the bump house and respond to the occasional sledder falling because hardly anyone cross country ski's).

I don't get it. Apparently the really fun, physical, challenging jobs are hard as hell to get and you have to go through years of training for them, like Fire Search and Rescue or SWAT team or all those damn professions that get specials on National Geographic as cool jobs. Jeez, I wish the real world were like the National Geographic specials because I'm seriously starting to think that those jobs are just made up by Hollywood to sell documentaries. Jobs I have considered doing and might like:

Camera Operator (film/TV)

Construction/Carpentry (Not management, the actual work construction)

Working with animals (anything that doesn't require a degree?)

Ranch hand

Art-related field (I can draw anything as long as I'm looking at it but not by memory, but it seems everything art-related needs a degree too)

High-rise window cleaning (I'd really like to get into this but don't know how)

Bartender (dunno if I could do this because I'm not very social but I might be able to be a barback or something).

Fishing Boat hand (again, no idea how to get into the field)

Dockworker (no idea how to get involved)

Oil Driller (no clue)

I don't know. I just really want to be at a job I love. Is anyone involved in a non-sedentary job they love and if so how can I get in on it?Do you love your job? What do you do?
Ever since i started working, each consecutive day of my life has been worse than the day before. So on a day that you see me.......That's on the worst day of my life. I come to work, stare at my desk for about 15 minutes so it looks like im working, but im really not. i do that for about an hour again after lunch. then 1:30 comes buy when i just space out (smoke weed) and then i do some work for about 15 minutes or so, then i go and take a 45 minute break (when i'm only suppose to take 10 minutes) So on a given week, i'd say i do about 35 minutes of actual work. I'm currently pursuing my life long dream of "Doing Nothing"Do you love your job? What do you do?
You could join the militaryDo you love your job? What do you do?
see you got some great answers. you can baby sit or go walk dogs. but, you do need a work permit since you are under the age 16 and you have to compeate against a bunch of older people for that same job because our economy isnt doing to well. but if you want want just make a some good safe money enough to buy a new cell phone or supplies for school try this site here its free and easy to do and they pay you for filling up free offers hope which I do and I get checks in the mail. I hope I help and good luck

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