Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How should I handle these antiques?

My fiance's great aunt and uncle are probably going to pass away by the end of the month. So they've been taking care of their wills and what not. My fiance is inheriting their house (they live in a house that used to be a plantation. It was built in 1823 I believe), anyways, it's been kept in the family and since we are getting married, they are giving it to us.

Not only that, but it has an old shed out back FILLED with a bunch of stuff. They were afraid to let their kids go through it because their kids were going to sell pretty much everything that belonged to them. So they allowed my fiance to go out there and take anything and everything we wanted. Well, there are TONS of stuff I found that I want to keep. I'm a history major and I love collecting old stuff. I don't want to give any of it to a museum as selfish as that sounds, though I do want to take care of these things and store them correctly. The house has a huge attic and I plan on putting everything up there in class cases and what not. A lot like how people display china in dinning rooms. Anyone have any tips to offer me about preserving these antiques?

What I've took was:

*A tin of musket balls from the Civil War

*A school text book that was PRE Civil War

*A lot of confederate paper money (I havn't counted it all out yet)

*A valentine from my fiance's great aunt and uncle

*A World War Two uniform

*A confederate Civil War uniform(with small blood stains on it that I do NOT want to wash off)

*An army dagger that was used in World War I

*A rifle from World War I

*A pistol from Word War II

*A gun from the Civil War

*A republican party membership card with Hoover on the front

*A journal of a civil war soldier(Someone way back in the family)

*A 1,000 dollar bill from Germany that has Adolf Hitler on the front of it

*Every single National Geographic magazine ever published up to about a year ago

*Sitting out in the garage is an original Model T.How should I handle these antiques?
What a fantastic collection you've amassed. The best thing to do is to consult with antique dealers in proper care of items you own.How should I handle these antiques?
Contact your local museum and/or historical society. That's a treasure trove!

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